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10 Minutes Peace

    by Susan McGrath

Changing Tastes
Date Posted: February 26, 2005

I used to hate going shopping with my mother when I was in grade school. I loved picking out new clothes or looking at books and records (Dating myself there, aren't I?), but when it came time to tag along while she looked at things -- BOOORING!

She could spend what seemed like hours looking at and trying on clothes. Boring Mom clothes. Nobody cared if their Mom was fashionable, did they? Then she would want to stop and look at things like bedding and cookware or clothes for my brother!

Once I got to junior high, I would beg to bring a friend along and we'd go off and shop in the fun stores while Mom looked at all that boring stuff.

About the time I was half-way through college and having to semi-furnish an apartment, those housewares departments, appliance displays and aisles of linens became amazingly appealing.

Now I'm getting a taste of my own medicine as my children roll their eyes and whine if I even slow down at Wal-Mart in any department but toys and food.

As I thought about this change in taste -- I'm not sure what triggered the pondering -- I realized I have done the same thing spiritually.

The more the Holy Spirit works in me and the more I study, understand and live God's word, the more appealing it becomes. It has relevance in my life it didn't have twenty years ago, or even ten, in some cases.

I hope that I will continue to grow in my love for God's word, His people and His purpose. I hope I can instill that love in my children, even if it takes a few years to mature.

As for shopping, I try to reserve the linen aisle for solo outings!

"Let the word of Christ richly dwell within you with all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another with psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with thankfulness in your hearts to God." -- Colossians 3:16

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Biography Information:
Susan McGrath is:

a recovering journalist trying to encourage others and glorify God through writing;

living the small-town life with husband Tim and sons Lincoln, 12, and Sawyer, 6;

completing a few put-off writing projects while using chocolate for therapy.