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10 Minutes Peace

    by Susan McGrath

Home but never alone!
Date Posted: November 29, 2003

I recently watched the movie "Home Alone" with my son. It was the first time he had seen it, and he laughed hysterically at all the tricks played on the bad guys by clever eight-year-old Kevin. (Did I mention my son is seven?)

But the whole scenario of being left at home by himself didn't seem to phase him. After all, it's just a movie. No frantic mother trying to pack an entire clan off on an international vacation would ever forget something as important as a child, her youngest at that!

This is a hectic, stressful time of year. We have too many things we think we have to get done for too many people who won't appreciate them and we usually spend too much money to do it.

In remembering all the important "things" for the Christmas season, will we forget who is most important? Perhaps our family and friends who may need some extra prayer or attention, and most importantly, our Heavenly Father.

As Christians, we say the whole celebration and season is centered on Christ, God's gift to us. But in the day-to-day rush, do we forget? Do we maintain our daily study of scripture, our prayer time? I know I find it hard to always keep up even during the rest of the year.

Just as we make an effort to be sure all the kids are in the car with us when we leave the house, we need make an effort to maintain our relationship with our Lord. We have to consciously decide to know His word, speak with Him, thank Him and listen for His will in our lives.

In the movie, Kevin did and said some things he came to regret -- he wished his family would disappear. Though we would probably not put it in those terms, sometimes we give God the impression we don't need Him in our lives. That's why we need to be in touch with Him daily.

Although we can't be perfect parents, God is, and He will never leave us "home alone" even accidentally. We can have rest and peace even in our most hectic times -- but God must be number one on all our lists!

Take an extra few minutes these next few weeks to find your peace in the Lord, and thank Him for a place of rest.

"The Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace." - Psalms 29:11

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Biography Information:
Susan McGrath is:

a recovering journalist trying to encourage others and glorify God through writing;

living the small-town life with husband Tim and sons Lincoln, 12, and Sawyer, 6;

completing a few put-off writing projects while using chocolate for therapy.