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Bible verse and quote

    by Jan Couns

Bible and Quote - March 16-20
Date Posted: August 4, 2023

These are the names of the mighty men whom David had: thirty-seven in all (who stood with him in obscurity and prosperity). 2 Samuel 23:8,39b

One is taught by experience to put a premium on those few people who can appreciate you for what you are. Gail Godwin

Josheb-basshebeth, chief of (David’s military), raised his spear against eight hundred men . in one encounter (and defeated them). 2 Samuel 23:8b

All of God's people are ordinary people who have been made extraordinary by the purpose He has given them. Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest

When the Philistines drew up for battle, Israel retreated. But Eleazar (of David’s mighty men) stood his ground and (fought) 2 Samuel 23:9,10a

.he did not spend time in upbraiding the others for running away, nor in shouting to them to return; but he just turned his own face to the enemy. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834-92, British Reformed Baptist, highly influential amongst Christians of different denominations

(Eleazar fought the Philistines) till his hand grew tired and froze to the sword. The Lord brought about a great victory that day. 2 Samuel 23:10b

There are important cases in which the difference between half a heart and a whole heart makes just the difference between signal defeat and a splendid victory. A. H. K. Boyd

The Philistines had gathered together where there was a piece of ground full of lentils. So the people fled. But Shammah stationed himself in the middle of the field, defended it and the Lord brought about a great victory. 2 Samuel 23:11,12

May the Lord give me courage to stand against the wrong, either in unity with others or if necessary alone.

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Biography Information:
Birth: 1948, Biloxi, Mississippi

Live: Knoxville, Tennessee

Hobbies: gardening, Bible study

Married, two daughters, two son-in-laws, 1 granddaughter, 3 grandsons, 1 mother, 1 dog