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Bible verse and quote

    by Jan Couns

Bible and Quote - November 28 - December 1
Date Posted: January 20, 2023

.the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him To deliver their soul from death And to keep them alive in famine. Psalm 33:18a,19 God will suit His help to each requirement. As the moment arrives “the thing” will be there. F.B. Meyer, 1847-1929, English Baptist pastor and evangelist involved in inner city ministry

Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. Psalm 33:20 Some of your greatest blessings come with patience. When you must wait for God to act, you can be confident that He knows what is best for you. Warren Wiersbe, American pastor and a prolific writer of Christian literature, b. 1929

For our heart rejoices in Him, Because we trust in His holy name. Psalm 33:21 Help me to honor thee by believing before I feel. The Valley of Vision, Puritan Prayers and Devotions, 1600/1700s

May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you. Psalm 33:22
There is a trial in stillness; and oftentimes the still chamber makes a larger demand upon loving trust than the battle field. Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1834-92, British Reformed Baptist, highly influential amongst Christians of different denominations

I will be taking a break until February – may you have a blessed Christmas. If anyone needs a free cd of quotes for their ministry please e-mail me at

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Biography Information:
Birth: 1948, Biloxi, Mississippi

Live: Knoxville, Tennessee

Hobbies: gardening, Bible study

Married, two daughters, two son-in-laws, 1 granddaughter, 3 grandsons, 1 mother, 1 dog