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Can God Get Glory from My Life?

    by Dominique Henderson

How Great is Our God - Part 2
Date Posted: February 1, 2009

Listening for the voice of God....

I recently was reading about the prophet Elijah. I make him the subject of today's devotional because he was such an interesting character. Although he had wrought mighty manifestations of God's power throughout his prophetic career, he ended up running in fear for his life from Queen Jezebel. I say this is interesting because Elijah experienced the power of God like none other during that period of time but yet his focus on God was distracted. Wouldn't you think that someone that didn't even see death (he was translated by God), would have the power of God working so much so in his life that he would fear no man? Obviously not. However, before I fall from my pedestal I have to realize that I am the same way without any excuse. I am blessed with God's word and his Holy Spirit. I have been graced to offer the kingdom many God-given gifts. I have had physical and spiritual provision all of my natural life. I have seen God's power move and work in my life and the lives of others around me. Yet and still, at times, I seriously betray God in the department of...TRUST! I feel that I know enough about a situation or circumstance and I forsake his helping hand to guide me through. How is it that the creature knows more than the creation? It would be like my 6-year old trying to tell me about life. Nevertheless, when I take matters into my own hands and decide what is best for myself, without God's guidance or approval I am telling him that, I DON'T TRUST YOU LORD WITH THIS. Let's go back to Elijah. He had just come fresh off of a victory against the prophets of Baal. There was a showdown and Elijah's God showed up and all who were present recognized that. God then sent his power through Elijah to allow the 3-year drought to end and rain to come upon the land and his resume goes on and on. But upon hearing that Queen Jezebel wanted to kill him, he ran like Dash from The Incredibles. He literally ran until he couldn't anymore until he found himself in a cave listening for God. While at the cave, God continued to prove his greatness to Elijah through the elements of nature. Possibly God was trying to get Elijah's attention off of his present circumstance and just sit in awe of his glory. Many commentaries and theologians have a lot to say about what happened in 1 Kings 19:9-14 but I'd like to think this happened. God our heavenly father saw his child in distress. He had compassion on the fact that Elijah wanted to serve Him, but had allowed his fear of man to override his fear of God. Elijah had come to a point where he felt all that could be done to help the apostate nation of Israel had been accomplished and that it was time for him to just lie down and die. But God being a loving father didn't show himself in the earthquake or the fire or the wind to frighten his child into obedience to his will, but in his awesome mercy spoke in a still, small voice (1 Kings 19:12) to encourage a surrendering to his will. Elijah was revitalized with instructions to anoint a new king and new successor to further the kingdom of God. All God wants us to do is listen to his still, small voice to hear his will for our lives. The problem is that the loud clutter of trouble and distraction often seize our ears so that we cannot hear the voice of our Father calling. We allow our fears of (fill in the blank here) to take us captive and confine us to a cave of worry and anxiety. But know that God loves you and doesn’t want to yell at you for how foolish you are being by not trusting Him. He just wants to speak to you and reaffirm his plans for you. I challenge you today to listen for the voice of God calling you to obey his will for your life.

God I am often distracted by the cares of this life despite the fact that you prove over and over that you will take care of me. Help me to focus on taking care of your business as you take care of me. Amen

Suggested Reading: 1 Kings 18:7-19:18; Proverbs 3:5-6

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Biography Information:
Dominique Henderson is a believer in the one and only Son of God - Jesus Christ.  After being a believer for many years, he didn't begin to realize the purpose God had for him until the age of 30.  He has a passion for fellow musicians and worship leaders that have allowed Satan to distract them from their God-given gifts.  He now lives day by day following the lead of the Holy Spirit--not perfectly but diligently. He enjoys writing and spending time with his wife, Briana, and their three children.