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'Christ in You...'

    by Dale Krebbs

Date Posted: April 30, 2017

n a world of proper and improper ways of influencing others, all types and methods of accomplishing it are invented every day.

As complicated as the use of personal and business and even religion is, how can one know where to draw the line?

Improper efforts to influence have seemed to “go viral” lately. The question is, how have I been representing Jesus?

How have you?

As we live our lives day by day, we make waves…waves of impact on other people. Most of this, as we interact with others, we may never know. Once an encounter, and each one walks away, no one will ever know the impression we have made unless it is vocalized or indicated in some way.

In our daily relationships, how are we representing Him?

In our daily interactions with others, whoever it may be - a neighbor, a person at the counter, a driver in a car…your automobile is an extension of yourself when you drive. Your attitude in using the car may influence others in ways you will never know.

This important question adds up to this: what will be said of us when we stand before Jesus Christ at the judgment bar, and are asked to give an account of how we treated others in our lives. If we are believers in Jesus Christ, we will have stricter judgment. Because we knew and did not do. Others who should have known but did not do, may receive a stricter judgment.

Regarding Christian conduct with those around us, someone has summed up the Christian obligation:

“We are the only Jesus most will ever see”.

Will some of those in your path be judged more strictly because you did not represent Jesus to them? May we all strive to represent Jesus in a way that others will see Him in us. This is the greatest preaching anyone can possibly do.

In relationships with others - no matter who they are, there is one rule that covers the whole issue.

It is the simplest.

It is also the most difficult.

Jesus was constantly interacting with everyone. He was preaching, He was communicating, He was healing, encouraging, correcting sometimes gently, and sometimes rather sternly but lovingly.

He was others oriented.

Only if Christ is living in you, can the scripture below be lived. If these words of the Apostle Paul are lived out, others will then see Jesus in you:

“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit [through factional motives, or strife], but with [an attitude of] humility [being neither arrogant nor self-righteous], regard others as more important than yourselves.”
- Philippians 2:3

"Point of Reference" from Fred Price

Counting the Cost and Bearing the Cross

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Biography Information:
Dale Krebbs served as an Elder, preaching, counseling, and conducting Bible studies for over 25 years in Texas, California, and Arizona. He is now retired, lives in Arizona, and continues the study and research of Gods Word.