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'Christ in You...'

    by Dale Krebbs

The Sounds Of Silence
Date Posted: September 3, 2017

Have you ever come to a conclusion concerning something because of the silence concerning it?

What is not said can be much stronger that what is said out loud.

There are times when the “sound of silence” speaks louder than any other medium of communication. There is a related saying, as someone says to another “who you are speaks louder than what you say!” In other words. The hearer concluded something entirely different than what the speaker said. The sound of silence can be deafening.
God us often denigrated and even ignored because He is not audibly discerned.

However if we think about it, do we need to audibly hear someone - a friend, a loved one, or even a stranger often times - without our understanding what that person is communicating to us. Demeanor, facial expressions, poise, and that person’s general bearing. Of course we can usually see that person, but hearing that person is often not required for us to understand the message we are receiving from him.

A phrase from a gospel song ends with the statement “God is real for I can feel Him deep in my heart!” This can be God’s sound of silence deep in ones mind and heart. When we experience the “sound of silence” that is from God, He is communicating something to us that is of vital importance. Eventually, the moving of the Holy Spirit will interpret the silence. There can be many reasons why God chooses to communicate with us in this manner.

When dealing with the children of Israel on their journey out of Egypt to the promised land, God often communicated through silence. He sometimes communicated to them via events. Often he communicated through Moses or someone else. God often communicated via conditions Israel was experiencing that should have revealed to Israel what He desired for them. But they were preoccupied with physical things, that kept them blinded to the things that God and His servants wanted that were best for them. They were deaf to the things they should of observed even if God and Moses were not speaking to them. The whole experience of Israel’s journey through the wilderness to their destination has been recorded for us.

When Jesus came, it is said that He “knew what was in man”. Israel of His day should have known, too. They had forty years from the past to show them. He knew what was in all mankind. Notice how Jesus knew Israel of His day:

““But Jesus, for His part, did not entrust Himself to them, because He knew all people [and understood the superficiality and fickleness of human nature], and He did not need anyone to testify concerning man [and human nature], for He Himself knew what was in man [in their hearts—in the very core of their being].” - John 2:24-25.

Likewise, God (Jesus before His incarnation as a human) knew what Israel would do, just as He knew what humans would do when He came as their Savior.

God us still speaking to us through silence as well as His written word, the Bible. But if we do not pray, He will not speak to us through the silence if we do not pray. Have you prayed prayers that it seems have not been answered? Have you ask Him for answers that seem terribly important?

Hearing answers to our prayers through His silence requires that we persevere in prayer that is not silent, but spoken in our minds and our spirit. Prayers spoken to Him after we fall asleep at night, or driving down the road while others are with us…we can pray prayers of silence. But God hears every word! Whether our prayers are silent or vocal.

From our hearts and minds Jesus hears our prayers. Sounds of silence, heard only by God the Father, Jesus Christ, and communicated by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we know He heard, every word. Spoken out loud or through the “sounds of silence”

He would love to hear from your thoughts!

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Biography Information:
Dale Krebbs served as an Elder, preaching, counseling, and conducting Bible studies for over 25 years in Texas, California, and Arizona. He is now retired, lives in Arizona, and continues the study and research of Gods Word.