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Family Blueprint

    by Julianne Bell

Blueprint #20: Joseph Interprets Dreams
Date Posted: February 14, 2006

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:
Genesis 40 & Genesis 41

Joseph Interprets Dreams

God gives gifts for His glory.

God had provided Joseph with the gift to interpret dreams. Joseph was sensitive to the prompting of the Lord to use this gift by serving the cupbearer and the baker when they had dreams. Joseph did not see immediate fruit of using his gift for God’s will, but later Pharaoh summoned Joseph to interpret his disturbing dreams. Joseph directed the glory to God for the interpretation, knowing that every gift comes from God!

God provided Joseph with the gifts he needed in order to serve Him where he was. Joseph knew to always direct all praise to God for the gifts of service. God will provide each of us with gifts in order to serve Him, but always for His glory!

Finding Christ:
Joseph was a type of the suffering Messiah. We see in Genesis 41 that Joseph begins his rule at age 30, the same age that Jesus was baptized and began His ministry.

Living the Lesson:
Work your drama as you claim to be parched. Request your children to make Orange Delicious to refresh you. Ask them how they will go about making it for you to lead them to understand without the right tools and ingredients they cannot do it. Then pull out a gift wrapped box with a blender, measuring cups, measuring spoons, and the following recipe. Explain to them in the same way God provides the “gifts and talents” we need to serve Him. And though we may think we did the “work” with the gifts, actually all praise belongs to Him because He supplied all our needs, gifts, and abilities!

Orange Delicious

Blend on high for about 1 minute or until well blended and enjoy, as you praise the Lord for the Orange Delicious!

Memory Verse:
“…you are zealous for spiritual gifts, let it be for the building up of the church that you seek to excel.” Corinthians 14:12

Dear Lord, please reveal to us the gifts You desire us to utilize for Your will. May we always direct all glory for any gift or talent we have back to You, the only One who deserves praise!

Living the Life:
This week praise God for the gifts and talents you see in others around you. Teach your children humility in serving with their gift. Take them some place where they may bless another with their gift from God and have opportunity to direct the praise to Him!

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"Lord God, You Have a Funny Way of Working at Times"

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Biography Information:
Julianne Bell is blessed with a husband who challenges her to fulfill her calling. Their quiver is overflowing with children ages 3-young adult, one of which has autism.

Family Blueprint has come to fruition as a complimentary service for those seeking creative ways to 'teach them (the words of the Lord) diligently to your children...' Deuteronomy 6:7

Julianne Bell is also a consultant for Once Upon A Family at This allows her to work from home while homeschooling her children and keeping her ministry website resources free.