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Family Blueprint

    by Julianne Bell

Blueprint #27: Crossing the Red Sea
Date Posted: April 4, 2006

(Some blue food coloring, a straw, some salt, and oil remind us how the Israelites crossed through the Red Sea.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:
Exodus 13:17-15:21

"Crossing the Red Sea"

The Lord will deliver us for His purpose.

God led the Israelites around by way of the Red Sea. The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud, and by night in a pillar of fire for light. Pharaoh, whose heart was hardened, pursued the Israelites, after having let them go. The Lord told Moses to hold his rod up over the sea and it would part. Moses obeyed. The sea parted and the Israelites crossed safely through to the other side. The Egyptians pursued them and the Red Sea closed on top of them and destroyed them.

While it may appear that we have no way out, we must always look to the Lord for our deliverance, He never fails.

Finding Christ:
The Israelites crossed the Red Sea after the Passover. In 1 Corinthians 10:2 it says "all were baptized into Moses in the cloud and in the sea…" indicating this was a type of baptism to come for the body of Christ.

Live the Lesson:
Ask your children if they would like to make the sea move too? While you don’t have the power to do what God did, you can have some fun making your own sea that moves. (Before the lesson starts prepare a glass bowl or jar with water and tint it blue with food coloring. Add some oil to the top so that it has time to settle on top of the water. Take a straw and pinch, fold, and tape one end closed and fill it up with salt.) Now bring out the sea for your children to observe. Tell them you will now lift up the rod (the straw) over the sea and watch it separate. As you bring your rod over the water allow the salt to pour out of the straw onto the oil on top of the water. It will form globs with the oil and sink to the bottom of the sea. As the salt dissolves in the water the oil will return to the top of the water and you can do it several times over for fun! Explain to the children how oil and water separate and that the weight of the salt made the oil sink, but how salt dissolves in water so the oil then becomes lighter than the water again and returns to the top. So you are not doing what God actually did, but you had some fun pretending and learned a little science in the process. Discuss with your children how amazing it would have been to have walked between the walls of water, viewing all the sea life swimming in it, yet not touching you. The closest thing I have ever viewed to this is Sea World in San Diego has a shark exhibit where you literally go through an aquarium of sharks. So you have sharks swimming on both sides of you and over the top of you. It is amazing (of course you pray no major earthquake hits).

Memory Verse:
"Teach me Your way, O Lord." Psalm 27:11

Dear Lord, please help me to see that You always provide a way of deliverance through all things. Help me to look to You and trust You.

Living the Life:
This week discuss areas in your lives where the Lord has not delivered you from a circumstance, but instead areas where the Lord delivered you THROUGH the circumstance.

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Biography Information:
Julianne Bell is blessed with a husband who challenges her to fulfill her calling. Their quiver is overflowing with children ages 3-young adult, one of which has autism.

Family Blueprint has come to fruition as a complimentary service for those seeking creative ways to 'teach them (the words of the Lord) diligently to your children...' Deuteronomy 6:7

Julianne Bell is also a consultant for Once Upon A Family at This allows her to work from home while homeschooling her children and keeping her ministry website resources free.