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Family Blueprint

    by Julianne Bell

Blueprint #39: The Sin of Achan
Date Posted: June 27, 2006

(Lemon juice, paint brushes, paper, and a light bulb or candle teach us along with Achan that our sins will find us out.)

The Lord gave us the blueprint of His Word to architect our family on Jesus Christ.

Going through the Bible with your family…

Weekly Scripture:
Joshua 7

"The Sin of Achan"

God will not ignore our sin. Our sin will always be found out.

When Israel conquered Jericho, they were told which treasures they could not take. One man named Achan disobeyed and took some of the treasures for himself. As a result of Achan’s disobedience, some of Israel died in a battle at Ai. Joshua fell down and cried out to the Lord for help. The Lord told Joshua about the disobedience in the camp of Israel and to destroy the family that took the treasures. Achan and his family confessed to taking a garment, a bar of gold, and some silver coins after being found out. Achan, his family, and the sinful items were destroyed so that the nation of Israel could be protected again by God.

We desire to teach the children that sin has a way of hurting those around us. Even if we try to hide our sins, they will always find us out.

Finding Christ:
In Joshua 7 we have Joshua as a type of Christ. Israel represents His body. And we see that Achan represents the one in the congregation living in sin that has not repented and thus brings trouble upon all. Just as in 1 Corinthians 5 Paul tells the congregation to remove such a one from their midst and allow the one in sin to have his flesh destroyed, so that his spirit might be saved.

Live the Lesson:
Take some white paper and lemon juice. Use small paint brushes or toothpicks, etc to write a message on the white paper with the lemon juice. You can simply write the word "SIN" in the paper. Allow it to dry.

At family devotional time hand each person a sheet of white paper with one of those pieces being the paper that has SIN wrote on it. Tell the family you know that one of them has sin in their hands. And you intend to find out who it is. Tell them about the passage in Ephesians 5:8-13 says that all things are exposed by the Light. That darkness will not be able to hide when exposed to the Light.

Now have each person walk up and you will take their paper and hold it over a light bulb or candle flame (careful not to be burned). One of the papers will show up the word SIN as exposed to the Light.

Explain to your children that often people try to hide their sin, but Jesus is the Light and He will expose their sin. You cannot hide. You need to repent if you sin and learn to overcome temptation with the Word of God.

For dessert try "Light of the World" Lemon Bars.

Memory Verse:
"Be sure your sin will find you out." Numbers 32:23

Dear Lord, please help us to overcome sin, but if we do sin, help us to confess our sins for You are faithful and just to forgive us.

Living the Life:
This week discuss with your children ways that sins are found out. Also share with them how one person’s sins can affect others around them.

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Biography Information:
Julianne Bell is blessed with a husband who challenges her to fulfill her calling. Their quiver is overflowing with children ages 3-young adult, one of which has autism.

Family Blueprint has come to fruition as a complimentary service for those seeking creative ways to 'teach them (the words of the Lord) diligently to your children...' Deuteronomy 6:7

Julianne Bell is also a consultant for Once Upon A Family at This allows her to work from home while homeschooling her children and keeping her ministry website resources free.