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Girl Meets God

    by Melissa Mathews

58%--Great Job, You Pass!!
Date Posted: June 3, 2007

I had been chasing this girl down for several class periods.

It was D-day at Inderkum High School-- literally for some students. It was F-day for others. Semester tests were over, and semester grades were going on the books. I was sitting at my desk, pouring over my on-line grade book. I had roughly an hour and a half to make sure every grade was "as it should be." At 3:30 the grades rolled over to "historical" and became the final word on a student's performance. At 3:30, credit was given or summer school certain.

The girl of whom I am speaking, Miss No Name, we'll call her, had a much lower grade than I was expecting. She was well-behaved and fairly attentive, so I was surprised to see a 58. She was 2 points under the passing mark. A summer of school was looming in her future unless I could figure out what was wrong with her grade.

Her reading sheet!! She was missing 125 points from a reading log she had never turned in. And I think she was absent! Yes, she was absent the day we turned that in. I'm sure she didn't realize that she was carrying her future around in her book bag. I was wishing I had noticed this when she was in my classroom during 2nd hour.

So I emailed Miss No Name's 4th period teacher, asking that she send Miss No Name back to my room when the class was over. But she hadn't shown.

Then I sent a note to the teacher next door. No Name was in that room for 5th hour. The note asked that Miss No Name come by my room when the bell rang after 5th hour. But she hadn't shown.

Now, it was 3:00!! I had 30 minutes to finalize my grades, and 7 minutes to find Miss No Name before the last bell sent everyone home for the day. Ahhhh!

Why had she not come to my room? What was wrong with her? Did she think she was in trouble? Was she afraid of me?! Did she not know I had the power to pass or fail her?!?

For a brief moment, I had a glimpse into the mind of God. He pursues people, but they are so afraid of getting in trouble they don't come to the One who can say, "You pass, even though you failed."

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him" (John 3:17, NIV).

I finally tracked down Miss No Name outside of health class. She apparently hadn't gotten any of my messages. And yes, she had the assignment. And yes, she passed the class.

Has your Teacher found you yet?

"Inspiration For You" from Randy Mitchell

True Success Is A Team Effort

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Biography Information:
I'm a preacher's kid, pastor's wife, and southern belle who married a Southern California boy. Can you say 'culture clash?' Scott and I have four boys - Max, Mark, Jackson, and Grant who keep us busy with homework and sports.

Scott and I have been married 22 years and currently live in Northern California where we are beginning year five as church planters. I also teach 12th grade English and love it.

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