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Girl Meets God

    by Melissa Mathews

Date Posted: April 11, 2004

Another Easter Story: You might check out this web page before you read the story:

Six miles outside of Manilla lies the peaceful but vast Manila American Cemetery. It is 152 acres of gently rising ground set aside to memorialize the military dead who served America during World War II in the Southwest Pacific Theatre. My husband Scott got to visit it several years ago on a missions trip.

The cemetery is laid out like a never ending circle---17,206 Italian marble crosses inscribed with names of the brave dead—crosses that stretch out in perfect circular rows. They come from every State in the Union, Panama, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico Australia, Canada, China, England, Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Finland, Jamaica, Burma and Peru. In 20 cases, two brothers lie side by side.

Passing each stone, saying each name, Scott wondered how many wives, mothers, daughters, and sons had been able to visit the grave of their loved one in a cemetery so far removed from the rest of the world? It would be an expensive and time consuming trip that few would have the luxury of doing.

But there is still hope of reunion. The cross that covers each grave is the cross that covers sin, the cross that gives hope of the Resurrection. "For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam, all die, so in Christ all will be made alive." (I Cor. 15:21-22).
And then the greatest reunion of all will take place, when those from every State in the Union, Panama, Guam, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Australia, Canada, China, England, Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Finland, Jamaica, Burma and Peru will be gathered together with many of their loved ones. And those brothers who lay side by side will live together for eternity.

This beautiful memorial to the fallen soldier is also a Memorial to the Resurrection-- a reminder that everyone who believes in Jesus will one day be together forever.

Citation: The Manila American Cemetery and Memorial Brochure, The American Battle Monuments Commission.

"Today's Little Lift" from Jim Bullington

Mercy and not Sacrifice (October 5, 2010)

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Biography Information:
I'm a preacher's kid, pastor's wife, and southern belle who married a Southern California boy. Can you say 'culture clash?' Scott and I have four boys - Max, Mark, Jackson, and Grant who keep us busy with homework and sports.

Scott and I have been married 22 years and currently live in Northern California where we are beginning year five as church planters. I also teach 12th grade English and love it.

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