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Girl Meets God

    by Melissa Mathews

In Hot Pursuit
Date Posted: May 23, 2004

My husband Scott and I had an interesting converstion this week. For some odd reason we were discussing my old boyfriends. And as history would have it, there is not much to talk about. (If you've been reading this column for a couple of weeks, the boyfriend in question was the potential husband/crop duster from Arkansas.)

That whole relationship started when I was just a sixth grader. The end of school was approaching, and the next year I would be in Jr. High. All of us important sixth graders were standing on the balcony outside our classroom, looking down on the Sr. High Lunch period. And for some reason, I remember looking at this guy, picking him out from among the rest, and saying to myself "I'm going to get this guy to like me."

So when my 7th grade year started, my race for Tracy Wooten did also. I served him and listened carefully to any hint he gave that might help me give him the perfect gift. I thought about him all the time, looked for his car at every intersection, and was always hoping I would see him in the hall at school. All of that was based on a mental ascent, a decision I made to pursue him. And low and behold-- it worked. By the end of my sophomore year in high school, I had never kissed him, but he was asking for my hand in marriage.

Why I chose to chase someone that I would have never married is still a mystery to me. But the lesson I learned was invaluable. You come to love the one you pursue. The person you choose to think about and serve will become the one who makes your heart race and your eyes light up.

Surely you remember the race you ran for your husband, how you worked so hard to win his heart. But, in the day-to-day grind of marriage, your mind has found a thousand other things to think about besides him, and lots of other people to serve. So in the next few weeks, let's talk about being In Hot Pursuit of our husbands.

"Refreshment in Refuge" from Gina Burgess

Spanked or yanked home early?

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Biography Information:
I'm a preacher's kid, pastor's wife, and southern belle who married a Southern California boy. Can you say 'culture clash?' Scott and I have four boys - Max, Mark, Jackson, and Grant who keep us busy with homework and sports.

Scott and I have been married 22 years and currently live in Northern California where we are beginning year five as church planters. I also teach 12th grade English and love it.

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