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God's Words For US

    by Cecelia Lester

Biblical Christianity
Date Posted: June 10, 2016

In my recent reading, I ran across an article that said we in the USA and Europe have abandoned Biblical Christianity for Cultural Christianity. I forwarded the article to some friends. At church, the next Sunday, one of them stopped me to tell me she got a lot out of the article. I took the time to copy/paste the statement about our world engaging in ‘cultural Christianity’ into another e-mail to emphasize how much I agreed with that thought.

This set me to thinking, “What is Biblical Christianity?” We have God’s Word to guide us but do we follow what He tells us? When we say the Lord’s Prayer, we ask God to let His will be done on earth as in heaven. Do we mean it? Do we understand the concept?

Many people say, “Man messes up the things of God when humans try to do the things God does. Because of the influence of our world on us, we yield to the reigning culture, because it ‘makes things easier.’

A few years ago, a person or persons broke into several vehicles during a Vacation Bible School closing program. The persons gained entrance to them by breaking windows and took items from the cars.

Two of the three vehicles belonged to friends of mine; the third one belonged to family members of other friends. I found myself upset when I heard how a man viewed the incident as ‘a sign of the times.’ Yes, we live in a ‘fallen world’ Does that excuse misguided people who inflict damage to property and cause problems and anxiety to law-abiding citizens?

As a senior citizen, I notice things about our society that cause me to seek God’s help and His eyes. Our state’s capital city has worsened in crime statistics. A few years ago, they reported someone being shot and killed at what seemed like a rate of one a day. In recent years, that rate has risen to multiple shootings each day.

When our son was moving back to our state, we talked about his decision. I asked him to do me—his mother—a favor. I asked him not to relocate to our capital city. He honored my request.

In the city where he lived out west, people with whom he worked warned him about certain areas and advised him to stay away from those parts of town. One time when my husband and I visited out there, our son took us into one of those areas. It was not pretty.

Every town has run down areas. Is it because no one cares about those who find themselves having to live in those parts of town? On the other hand, have the powers-that-be looked the other way when crime and low incomes have torn apart a neighborhood?

In order to practice Biblical Christianity, we have to spend time with God’s Word and in prayer. We need to learn to live out God’s commands to us. Others are always watching what we do and say about different issues. One day, we will be face to face with God and He will ask, “What did you do about My Son.” Then He will judge us according to how we answer.

I remember reading Charles Sheldon’s book, In His Steps, What Would Jesus Do? We need to study that book and try to look at our cities and towns through Jesus’ eyes and see if there are ways we can help solve some of the issues we see.

The only answer I can arrive at is to live as close as we can to Jesus. He will guide us and protect us as we continue to see human beings harming each other.

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Biography Information:

Cecelia Lester has been serious about her writing for over two decades..

She composes Christian essays and posts them to her blog

She has  served in a faith-based organization, Grace In Action  by writing two newsletters and searching for possible grants.

In July 2017, she published her first book, 'Times of Trouble Bring Rays of Joy.'

She and her husband of 54 years live in central Indiana. They have one grown son.