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Heart to Heart

    by Pat Chwialkowski

Are You Really There?
Date Posted: January 6, 2010

You are probably surprised to be reading a devotional from me today, since it has been awhile. My research indicates that the last time I wrote a devotional was in November 2008. What happened in 2008,2009 that caused my silence? I wish I could spell it out for you in just a few lines, but I am afraid that would be impossible. It’s going to take an entire book to share about the challenges that I had to face these past years. So hopefully one day you will see sitting on shelves in the Christian Bookstores, Lord I Believe, Help my unbelief—Author: A little nobody from Ohio.

I believe I am on the other side of this challenge now, though I still have some battle wounds that are in need of healing. I pray that in His time the Great Physician will allow me to experience full and complete healing. Until then—I continue to trust.

Many of you know that the first time I trusted Jesus Christ with my entire life was back in 1982. It was then, with just a little bit of faith, I slowly began learning how to trust God with more and more things in my life. On the other hand, it was not until these past years did I truly grasp and understand what complete trust and dependence looks like.

You see when life runs smooth for you, it is easy to trust. It’s kinda like when you are sitting in your living room by a cozy fire. You are trusting that the fire is going to stay right where it belongs—contained in that little space that we refer to as the fire”place”. In fact, your thoughts never turn toward thinking otherwise. However what would happen if that fire would begin to spread and leave its confined space and start burning up everything around your safe haven? Even worse, what if you found yourself smack dab in the middle of the fire? Would you continue to trust that everything is going to be all right?

Well, that’s where I found myself many times these past years. Sure I continued to trust Christ for my salvation and knew that if I died I would go be with Him in heaven, but many times I doubted that He was with me here on earth. Some days the struggle was so painful I doubted that I could go on. It was those days I would cry out to God and scream at Him and ask “Are you really there God? Do you really care?” I never received an audible answer; but instead He would give me His peace. Yes, He was really there, and yes He really cared. How do I know that? Because I am sitting here today writing to you once again my friend. So if you are going through a tough time right now and you are having trouble trusting, let me be the voice of God today for you. Yes, (insert your name), I am here, and Yes I really do care. Trust Me!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart

And lean not on your own understanding.

Proverbs 3:5

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