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Heart to Heart

    by Pat Chwialkowski

Bridging the Gap
Date Posted: January 16, 2008

Okay I have to admit it. I do not like driving on bridges. Especially long or very tall bridges. I know bridges are very helpful, for without them how could you ever get from point A to point B? Though I understand the purpose behind the bridge, it still does not alter the fact that I freak out everytime I find myself on one. So I have learned to keep my eyes straight ahead and not look to the left or right, until I have safely reached the other side.

At one time in my life, there was another bridge that I was completely leery of. It was the bridge that God created to fill the gap between Himself and human mankind. Since sin separates man from God, the bridge He had to use had to be extremely strong and could handle the weight of the world. That bridge is Jesus Christ, God's only Son.

The first time I heard this truth, it did not sit right with me. Why would I need a bridge? I thought I was perfectly fine with the way I was trying to reach God myself. Even though I felt the distance that existed between Him and me, in my mind, I figured if I did enough good stuff on this earth, in time I would reach Him. How wrong I was!

The Bible states very clearly our good works are like filthy rags. (Isaiah 64:6) I remember being offended the first time someone told me this. How dare someone say that my kindness toward a stranger, or my honesty on my taxes, were like dirty soiled rags.

Then I got real with myself. I had to admit, despite all the good things I was doing in life, I still did a lot of crummy things. I recognized for the first time, that even though my sins were not as serious like murdering someone or robbing a bank, nonetheless, in the eyes of God, they were still sins. And since sin’s path and God’s path will never meet, I began to wonder, “How will I ever be good enough to reach God?”.

That’s when someone told me I did not have to worry about being good enough. Not only that, but I also did not have to worry about the eternal consequences for the crummy stuff that I continued to do in life. All of this would be possible, if I would be willing to trust God and start walking on the bridge that He built 2000 years ago, when He sent us Jesus.

As long as I live, I think I will always hate crossing the bridges man has built. But the bridge that God built…the One that is capable of taking me from earth to heaven one day, is not a bridge that I will ever be afraid of again. In fact, on this bridge I even look to left and to the right. And when I do, I see people desperately trying to get to the other side without this Bridge. I find myself yelling at them and saying, “You will never make it, for the journey between point A and point B is way too long”. Some people heed this warning, while others simply ignore it. But until I reach the other side, you can be assured that I will be busy telling others―no one has to drown…when there is a BRIDGE!

Jesus said, “I am the Road (Bridge), also the Truth, also the Life.

No one gets to the Father apart from me.

John 14:6 MSG (italics is mine)

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