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Heart to Heart

    by Pat Chwialkowski

How Do You Mend a Broken Heart?
Date Posted: February 13, 2008

Valentines Day is fast approaching, and many of us anticipate receiving lots of hugs, kisses and other affirmations, that let us know that somebody really does love and care for us. But for some people, this coming Thursday will be a sad day. Many people never receive the love they so desperately yearn for—on Valentines Day or any other day. They often find themselves asking the same questions the Bee Gees asked in a song that they recorded back in 1971: How can you mend a broken heart? How can you stop the rain from falling down? How can you stop the sun from shining? What makes the world go round? If you are one of these misfortunate ones, may I encourage you—there are answers to these questions.

I would like to introduce you to a new friend of mine. Her name is Jen and she came to a Bible study that I began teaching just six weeks ago. Jen was very nervous the first time she came as she informed the small group of ladies that she had never gone to a Bible study before. Jen is 31 years old. I was immediately drawn to Jen and to the authenticity that she possessed.

Jen shared with us that she is married to Chad and together they have two sons. Four year old Liam and two year old Jack. When Jen was 10 weeks pregnant with Liam, she received some news from her doctors about the baby. Instead of me telling you what took place, I received permission from Jen to share with you an e-mail that she sent to her family and friends just two days after getting some heartbreaking news. Here it is…

July 2003

We hope you don't find this email too impersonal, but we got some news about Liam Patrick (our baby boy) that we need to share with everyone and the idea of calling all of you separately is overwhelming. Also, this way you will have some time to let the news absorb on your own, since no one ever knows what to say right away about something like this. Anyway, we wanted to let you know that Liam will be born with Down Syndrome. The doctors had some concerns from the ultrasound and blood tests and so they preformed an amniocentesis, where they draw fluid of the sac around the baby. It isn't important that you understand the ins and outs of the test, but the important thing is that the test is 100% accurate so we are positive of this result.

We were both very shocked at first, but have gotten past the initial shock and are once again excited that we are going to be blessed with Liam. Down Syndrome will likely involve many medical and developmental challenges for us - but Chad, me (Jen), and Liam will meet them together and we know we have a lot of support from people who love us. We realize this is a big shock for everyone, and at first it may seem sad, but please remember too that this will only be one part of who Liam is. We look forward to learning more about all the other parts of him - what he likes, dislikes, looks like, his personality, and what he will be like when he grows up. Also, try not to feel sorry for us because everyone has challenges with their children, we just already know what some of those may be. We aren't going to feel sorry for ourselves because we want Liam's birth and life to be the positive and wonderful events that they should be. We are going to love this little boy just how he is and we hope you will too.

Finally, we want you to know that we are always willing to talk and answer questions you have - we might not have all the answers because we are still learning too.


Jen and Chad

When Jen started coming to the Bible study she suffered from an undetected broken heart. Even though Liam has touched more hearts in his four short years, than some people will do their entire lives, the initial shock of the news, did cause a breaking in her heart. Jen has walked around with a broken heart for the past four years. That is…until just recent. Let her words speak once again.

February 2008

When I look back through the cards and emails I collected after we sent this email, from friends, family, and even people we didn't know who were friends of friends - I can see how Liam was already being used to bring God glory. Many people wrote messages of scripture back. Many wrote that they could feel the love that Jesus Christ taught us to have for one another in our message. I only wish that I had known Jesus as I know him now, so I could understand what they had been talking about. I wish I had wrote that Liam was made in God's own likeness as much as anyone of us. I wish I had wrote that Jesus had given me the strength to be content in all circumstances as Paul wrote in Philippians 4:11. I wish I had understood that I could do everything through him who gives me strength as in Philippians 4:13. Liam has faced many challenges and some of them have been very hard to watch as his mother, but I know now that I can put those challenges on because of Jesus and what is written in Matthew 11:28 about finding rest. I pray that I will remember to thank Jesus every day for that gift, because it has healed my broken heart.

My dear friend, if today you are asking the question, “How do you mend a broken heart?” I urge you to do what Jen did. She called out to Jesus. He is the answer to your questions. If you would like to contact Jen personally and ask about her own personal journey—from having a broken heart to a healed heart—I know she would love to hear from you. Her e-mail address is:

You really do not have to walk around any longer with a broken heart. I urge you to call on Jesus!

Because of Jesus,


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,

and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

(Jesus’ words in) Matthew 11:28 NIV

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

Psalm 35:18 NIV

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Founder and Director of Key Ministries located in Lexington South Carolina.  You can reach us at  .