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Heart to Heart

    by Pat Chwialkowski

Rubik's Cube
Date Posted: January 5, 2011

I remember the day I bought myself a Rubik’s cube. They just came out and I thought, “How difficult could it be?” Well, it didn’t take me long to figure out just exactly how hard it was. Since I never did find the madness to solving the cube…in the garbage it went.

You know, lately I have been feeling like my life is a lot like a Rubik’s cube. Okay, let’s try this…nothing. I see…well let’s move this here and that there…same results…nothing. Get the picture? I guess I am all right with it, until someone asks, “What’s new?” And I have to reply, “Nothing.” Only to get the sad puppy dog look back in return.

For the most part I am fine with it all. I am very healthy, love living with our daughter and my marriage has never been better. That’s a lot to say since we are together 24/7. But my biggest comfort is a promise God gave me back in 2003 and then again in 2008. I will repay you for the years the locusts have eaten. (Joel 2:25) I repeat this verse to myself continuously knowing that one day my nothing will turn into something.

God is so cute (if you don’t mind me using this terminology). He is always sending people (even perfect strangers) to me to remind me what He told me so many years ago.

For example, during Christmas week we took one of our old computers to friend that I had just met right before we left for South Carolina. My husband had never met her and neither of us had ever met my new friend's husband. When we took the computer to them, the husband talked a little to us and he then suggested that we pray together. Shortly after all of us held hands to pray, he said that he was hearing the Lord tell us: Be still and know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10) Okay we thought, great reminder.

We came back to South Carolina a few days before New Years, and once again restlessness came over me. We go to church for a New Year Eve Service and join others for dessert in the fellowship hall after the service. We are introduced to a new couple who was visiting our church for the first time. They are strong Christians that attend a different church in the area but they wanted to go to a New Year’s Eve service so they found our church. After conversing for just a short time the woman turns to me and boldly announces: You need to wait on God. I did not even tell her my story.

There it was again. The same message…the same reminder.

So we wait, and we wait, and we wait. But at the same time we are trying to figure out what our next move should be. As we contemplate and ponder over every potential move, it get’s just as frustrating as my Rubik’s cube days. However, unlike my Rubik cube I can’t throw my life into the garbage, for I am so much more precious than a Rubik’s cube.

So until the moment when we hear God say, “time’s up”, we will continue to plug away. And just like so many people who actually solved the Rubik’s cube puzzle, I am positive one day all the pieces of the puzzle will come together and you will hear me scream─I GOT IT! What a glorious day that will be!

Happy New Year!

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Founder and Director of Key Ministries located in Lexington South Carolina.  You can reach us at  .