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One Woman's Pilgrimage

    by Linda Bush Cannon

Patience Behind the Wheel
Date Posted: October 14, 2007

Psalm 27:14 “Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord.”

Sometimes it’s hard to be a Christian when you get behind the wheel of a car. It’s almost like another person takes over the wonderfully spiritual, quiet and gentle-spirited woman that I normally am (HA!). It makes me wonder if Jesus was ever tempted to lose His temper when somebody cut their camel in front of His while on the way to temple!

Tonight I made an honest mistake, albeit fueled with impatience. I was waiting to make a right-hand turn onto a busy road. I became impatient at the lack of a break in traffic, and that edginess caused me to see what I thought was a mile-long “opportunity” to jump right in there and make my turn. Seems it was more like a few yards, because the minute I made my turn, I realized I had miscalculated the distance, and the poor fella behind me had to do some fancy footwork on his brakes because of my poor judgment. I think he loved Jesus, ‘cause he was honking up a storm! Well, at least that was the worst that happened, along with a big case of embarrassment for me.

How many near-misses has God saved me from, when instead of being patient and waiting for His opportunity, I’ve rushed out in my own poor timing, trusting my own eyes and judgment? Oh Lord, please save me from myself, and help me to be patient and wait on You!

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Biography Information:
Linda is "...simply one woman running hard after Jesus, in an effort to be authentic and always growing in my devotion to Him, while open and real in the hopes that my life might point to and glorify Christ my Lord." She has been a women's Bible study leader for over 17 years, and is a wife, mother, certified personal trainer, life coach, health/wellness coach, Pilates/Pilates Reformer instructor, writer, photographer and "wild 'n crazy wacky woman of God" She lives in NJ, and is happiest when she's outdoors by a stream or in a park with a book, cooking for family and friends, or simply enjoying early mornings in God's natural sanctuary of nature. Her life verse is Philippians 3:7-14.

You can find her on her website at