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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

When Jesus started His earthly ministry, He called fishermen and challenged them to be "fishers of men." (Mark 1:16-18) The idea was that they were to be intentional and diligent in seeking the lost. (NOTE: A big difference is that fishermen catch living things that die, while fishers of men catch dying things and bring them to life.) To be an effective fisherman, or fisher of men, you need to know your surroundings and the characteristics of the fish you're trying to catch. Weather, season, time of day, type of fish, water conditions, etc. all have an impact on what you do…  ( Click for more )

People tent to idealize and idolize those they admire, Christians being no exception. And while respect should be shown, we must never forget that all of us as human beings have our own set of peculiarities and foibles – weaknesses and strengths. Placing others on a pedestal virtually guarantees disappointment, discouragement and failure on their part and ours; unrealistic standards being unattainable for them, unapproachable for us.

The twelve Apostles verify this principle. By virtue of their association with Christ they became huge over-achievers (Ephesians 3:20),…  ( Click for more )

Suffering is not a topic we like to discuss, unless its to question why we're experiencing it; and it's certainly not used as a promotional tool for bolstering church attendance. However, John Paul II's emphatic embracing of his suffering brought on by illness and old age, associating it with Christ's willingness to suffer for humanity, has over the last several months raised this subject to a place of prominence. (As a Protestant Christian I have serious reservations concerning Catholicism but I can appreciate the unswerving emphasis the Pope placed on moral…  ( Click for more )

God's initial instructions to his newly-formed overseers of creation was for them to be fruitful and multiply, in part a natural consequence of their coming together in thought, word and deed; and in so doing provide order as they subdued and ruled this new world in partnership with God. (Genesis 1:27,28) I don't believe it is too much of a stretch to say God expects us to do likewise – through the church – as the bride of Christ. (Ephesians 5:32)

God's intent for mankind and the church is multiplication through fruit-bearing, Jesus declaring that…  ( Click for more )

Some say absolutely not and do everything within their power to keep you from gaining information to the contrary, and while scientists are typically regarded as open-minded and free to inquiry – pursuing evidence wherever it leads – that's not always true. The recent controversy surrounding Stephen Myers, a PhD from Cambridge and research fellow at the Discovery Institute proves this point.

Mr. Myers submitted a research article investigating the proposed formation of new proteins, genetic codes, cell structures and organs – very specific biological information…  ( Click for more )

March 25, 2005

The uproar over Florida Governor Jeb Bush's rescue of Terri Schiavo from starvation a year ago has been resurrected in the furor over Congress's attempted intervention this week; once again highlighting America's shifting morals concerning the value of life. This continuing debate between the advocates of the right-to-die movement and those supporting the sanctity of life has turned extremely bitter, with accusations of thuggery and barbarism being flung between the two camps. Why has one poor sick woman's plight inflamed the emotions of a nation and involved…  ( Click for more )

In attempting to answer the questions posed in last week's first installment of, "…the battle is the Lord's,…" therefore victory is assured; we examined the lives of several Old Testament men who faced tremendous obstacles yet overcame them all – David, Noah and Gideon.

Being baffled, confused and puzzled by circumstances beyond our control and overwhelmed by decisions and tasks that seem beyond our abilities to complete are common to all men in every age. In continuing our quest this week, let's look at Paul, the quintessential over-comer; to ascertain…  ( Click for more )

March 11, 2005

Have you ever been baffled by a problem, confused by a series of incidents you didn't understand, questioned an insurmountable task you were expected to perform, had difficult decisions to make that you didn't feel capable of? Well - you're not! None of us are; life being too big, the decisions to be made too important and far -reaching to be easy. But then you're not alone! Remember, '…with God all things are possible.' Matthew 19:26 To quote King David, '…the battle is the Lord's,' therefore victory is assured! But what does that mean? …  ( Click for more )

In response to the recent furor amongst some academics over what would appear to be rather innocuous comments concerning men and women's scholastic and business capabilities, I thought it would be interesting to note how two unlikely heralds of political correctness finally stepped up and simply reported the truth. TIME Magazine ran a cover story titled, The Case For Staying Home – Why more young moms are opting out of the rat race F1 ; while The New York Times Magazine asked on it's cover, Why Don't More Women Get To The Top?, answering boldly – They Choose Not To. F2 …  ( Click for more )

Regardless of the political setbacks suffered recently by the so-called forces for social change (specifically the gay and lesbian movements), they persist in trying to force their agenda back in the limelight on a number of fronts; gay marriage, benefit and survivor rights, and gay adoption. In addressing this issue, we might start by briefly examining the time-tested definition of marriage and the people who engage in it. (Not saying marriage is always practiced as it should be among heterosexuals but that it is designed to give us the best chance of achieving success and happiness…  ( Click for more )

During the U.N. commemoration of the Jewish holocaust, Germany's Chancellor Schroeder acknowledged the environment that existed prior to and throughout W.W. II that encouraged the atrocities inflicted on the Jewish people and anyone else disagreeing with the Nazi agenda.

The simple statement that, "The brutalization of thought and the loss of moral inhibitions had a history,…" in Germany that preconditioned its citizens to embrace Nazi ideals, enabling them to cruelly march across the European continent and much of the rest of the world, speaks to a number of issues. The…  ( Click for more )

It's physically impossible to read everything dealing with Christian thought but I do like to check out that which claims to explain or challenge the Christian view of the world. Over the past several years TIME magazine has posed some pretty profound questions for the religious and irreligious alike. How Did Life Begin? F1 What is the age of the universe? What's the universe made of? What is the fate of the universe? F2 How will it end? F3 Alongside these intriguing questions are: What Does Science Tell Us About God? F4 Is the structure of the universe divinely engineered? …  ( Click for more )

February 4, 2005

"Where there is no vision, the people perish" Proverbs 29:18

Last week's article dealt with our need of having a proper understanding of who we are in relation to God and what impact that can and should have on our lives; now let's look at some Biblical examples that might help us seek our own vision.

Abraham was told to leave his family, home, business and friends; going to an unknown land where he would live in tents wandering the wilderness. A purifying, reshaping experience for this founding father of a nation and religion.

Moses escaped Egypt through the wilderness,…  ( Click for more )

January 28, 2005

"Where there is no vision, the people perish" Proverbs 29:18

What is vision? The ability to see and discern. Could it be a mental picture, an image of how something ought to be? Might it be the ability to perceive something not visible - yet? Yes, to all the above. Our own personal vision is at times dependent upon what we are looking at or for; what we want to see and understand. This particular scripture possibly being rendered - Where there is no standard (of living) or purpose (for living), the people perish. Or even, Where there is no revelation, the people lack…  ( Click for more )

January 21, 2005

To put this article in context, I should begin by confessing that I am not an overly political person. I do believe Christians should be aware of the issues and involved in policy-making for our country, but I certainly don't believe politics or any one political party to be the salvation of America. Furthermore, I can't say I totally agree or disagree with either of the major parties but must say I categorically disagree with most of the social/moral issues one party in particular seems to hold so dear.

'Are Americans Stupid?' is a question posed by World Magazine's Culture…  ( Click for more )

January 14, 2005

As the body counts continue to increase in the Iraqi war and throughout Asia as a result of the earthquake induced tsunamis – one is tempted to ask; Where is God? Members of my home church have been afflicted with numerous difficulties this year; serious accidents and fatal diseases, lost jobs, unexpected broken homes – as we search for answers that don't seem to satisfy when found. Why would a loving God allow such things to happen? We can understand when people behaving poorly come to a bad end, but why do bad things happen to good people? It doesn't seem fair!

Not…  ( Click for more )

January 7, 2005

Two easily overlooked verses of scripture recently attracted my attention as a result of their potential to speak to our time and circumstances. That being characteristic of all scripture, these two seemingly out-of- the-way verses spoke more powerfully to me because of their unexpectedness. One comes from the Israeli history book of Chronicles which relates David's predicament in having left the King's court for the freedom and protection of the wilderness; somewhat inadvertently attracting other disillusioned, dis-affected men to his banner. Many of these men of valor and principle…  ( Click for more )

"Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called to be an apostle and set apart for the gospel of God…" Romans 1:1 Considered by many to be the greatest missionary of Christianity and it's foremost theologian, writing thirteen books of the New Testament while being a focal point of the Book of Acts, he is known to have traveled extensively throughout Asia Minor, the Grecian Peninsula, Italy and possibly Spain (Romans 15:24) and Great Britain. Paul traveled tremendous distances, suffered many hardships, experiencing both success and opposition; yet he influenced the world in ways…  ( Click for more )

December 24, 2004

"…the people living in darkness have seen a great light; ..." Matthew 4:16

"A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on it's stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men,... Matthew 5:14-16

This time of year, we are especially drawn to light, as it gets dark earlier house and street lights are more noticeable; with a chill in the air, fireplaces radiate welcoming warmth. We decorate our homes in festive colors;…  ( Click for more )

December 17, 2004

This question was raised during a conversation between Jesus and his disciples in which they had discussed what others thought about him. A number of opinions were noted – some likening him to John the Baptist, others to Elijah, while a few were reminded of Jeremiah or one of the other prophets. But the real point of this exercise was brought to bear when Christ asked, "But what about you?... Who do you say I am?" Matthew 16:13-15

It's not that the contributions other people have made to your thinking and beliefs don't matter, whether they be parents, teachers, preachers…  ( Click for more )

"Jesus, we love You, we praise You, we adore You, Glorify Thy name in all the earth." Glorify Thy Name, Donna Adkins c1976,1981Maranatha! Music ARR ICS UBP

What's it mean to adore someone? Adoration is defined as worshipping or paying homage by expressing great love and devotion, usually in response to love and devotion expressed to us. Or as John said, "We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19; further explaining "This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." 1 John 4:20 We commonly…  ( Click for more )

In observance of the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church on Nov. 14, my home church took a few moments to commemorate and pray for our fellow-believers around the world who live life much less securely and with few of the comforts we take for granted. Yet it wasn't until after the designated day of remembrance that I became aware of what that really means; an estimated 200 – 400 million people suffering – enduring discrimination when applying for jobs and promotions, being restricted in their freedom of movement and worship, losing their families and friendships…  ( Click for more )

November 26, 2004

Time Magazine recently featured as their cover-story, "The God Gene"F1; questioning whether religion is part of natures evolutionary scheme – documenting the scientific quest for the roots of our faith.

Philosophers, theologians and evangelists have long insisted that there is a God-space in us all, seeking satisfaction in a relationship with the Almighty. All over the globe, man has identified and worshipped God or gods in various ways; expressing a universal need to understand the unexplainable, discovering his place in the grand scheme of the world, finding answers and…  ( Click for more )

What does it mean to be thankful, to be filled with thanksgiving? Expressing appreciation and gratitude – which in part signifies our acknowledgement and acceptance of something having been done for us. And yet it is more than merely saying "Thanks". It should be an attitude we develop, not an emotional trait we inherit; one that is quick to acknowledge a blessing, slow to realize a slight, along with a willingness to actively look for the good in all things. (James 1:19) This can then become the basis for an intentional expression of worship through all things. "…since…  ( Click for more )

November 12, 2004

A continuing examination of the lives of Joseph (last week) and Esther (this week) – heroes of faith and action – remembering Romans 8:28 "…we know that in all things God works for the good of those how love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

ESTHER - A member of the "weaker sex," yet a strong arm of God and a means of salvation for her people. The story of Esther is recorded in ten short chapters in the Old Testament. Certainly not every incident, circumstance or emotion of hers is recorded but the essentials of her life are and…  ( Click for more )

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