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    by Fred Price

Encountering Soulforce
Date Posted: April 21, 2006

Soulforce will be out in force over the next several weeks, their current project – Equality Ride – trying to identify itself with Martin Luther King Jr.’s freedom riders who toured the south confronting racism in the 1960’s. Emblazoned on their bus in bold letters is the slogan, "End Religion Based Oppression!", touting "LGBT Rights"; shorthand for lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender. Soulforce is a gay-advocacy group whose purpose is to oppose and refute the supposed misuse of religion in homosexual opposition. The current Equality Riders representing Soulforce are presently on a seven week cross-country trip confronting 19 faith-based universities that forbid, among other things, homosexual conduct on their campuses. Jacob Reiter, director of Equality Ride, explains his reasoning for targeting religious institutions, "These schools have taught a one-sided view for far too long." Apparently his intent is to explain how God either condones such behavior – contrary to his recorded word – or merely overlooks it because of his love for the individuals engaged in it. Yet that raises an equally pressing question. If the prohibitions against homosexuality are merely homophobic sentiments on the part of the Bible’s authors, in effect projecting their own personal hang-ups on to God, then how can we be sure of anything ascribed to God – including his love and forgiveness?

In challenging the morality of these schools, which Equality Ride claims commit spiritual violence and are largely responsible for LGBT discrimination, they contacted each targeted university on its tour and informed the administrators of their plans; asking for meetings with school authorities and opportunities to address the student bodies. On the surface, that sounds reasonable enough; but a veiled threat of possible civil disobedience is included if school officials deny them access to their campuses.

A number of schools have indeed refused to give the group access to their student bodies on the grounds that they are obligated to parents not to expose their kids to a media circus that would undoubtedly strive to present this particular form of immorality in a positive light; which is a valid concern. Some have allowed the group on campus, with restrictions, trying to foster discussions that are genuinely two-sided. Others are conducting advance preparatory sessions dealing with Biblical teachings on homosexuality and homosexuals in the church; attempting to strengthen their students’ understanding of the Biblical prohibitions as well as this aberrant lifestyles cost on the individual and society as a whole.

Scott Davis, of Exodus International, a Christian ministry helping people overcome the homosexual lifestyle, sees more to Equality Ride’s visits than complicated challenges to school administrators. In our sex-saturated culture and its insistence on tolerance of all things, the danger is real that even good kids from Christian homes will be tempted to gloss over this sin or even experiment with it. "It’s very dangerous," he says, "when a student is struggling with same-sex attraction and a group comes to campus saying, "It’s great to be gay." Especially as they try to validate their lifestyle by invoking God’s love and forgiveness – if that’s even needed – to the exclusion of his demand for purity and holiness. (Which is true of any and all sin. Hebrews 12:14)

Some good may yet come of this challenge to our sensibilities and understanding of church doctrine as it forces us to honestly examine all the issues involved – the health risks, emotional pitfalls, psychological implications and scriptural decrees – and articulate them in a way that is decisive while maintaining a loving, concerned demeanor for those who have fallen victim to the lie of, ‘Anything goes’ and ‘God just wants us to be happy.’ For even as homosexuality is a sin, being mean-spirited and hateful is too. We need to care enough to listen to what they have to say and knowledgeable enough to make a reasoned response; if nothing else, discovering how to pray for them.

Make no mistake about it, this intentional attempt at invalidating God’s word, replacing it with man’s preferences based on human sensitivities while striving to encourage others in this sin (Rom.2:32), is indeed a lie straight out of hell. It is patterned, as all sin is, on Satan’s very first encounter with humankind, confusing Eve and convincing Adam to doubt God’s will and intent for them while devising their own means of attaining righteousness based on their own feelings and understanding of things. It must be refuted, yet done so with gentleness and respect. (1 Peter 3:15) These misguided young people genuinely believe in what they are doing, sincerely tying to encourage the spread of the world’s sense of tolerance and inclusion, but they are sincerely wrong. We must be just as genuine and sincere in our response; families, churches, and Christian schools learning to foster environments where young and old alike, struggling with any and all sin, feel free to ask for help and understanding.

Exodus International is conducting seminars and chapel talks at targeted schools as well as others on the pro-gay agenda, the Bible’s teaching concerning homosexuality and how to help a friend or acquaintance who is gay. Their aim being to bring us all to a point where we can interact with homosexuals with compassion and kindness while never compromising the truth. They can be contacted at:, or by writing to P.O. Box 540119, Orlando, FL 32854. The phone number Isaiah 407-599-6872

Both quotes and some source material were taken from an article written by Jamie Dean titled, "Forgiving Their Trespass", appearing in World Magazine, April 1 issue

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Biography Information:

Fred Price - married (50 years), father of two grown children, grandfather of six.

Fred retired earlier this year after 42 years as a factory worker.  He has always had a heart for young people and the challenges they face today.  Over the years Fred has taught Discipleship Groups for High School and college students.