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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

Marriage should be honored by all…
Date Posted: February 25, 2005

Regardless of the political setbacks suffered recently by the so-called forces for social change (specifically the gay and lesbian movements), they persist in trying to force their agenda back in the limelight on a number of fronts; gay marriage, benefit and survivor rights, and gay adoption. In addressing this issue, we might start by briefly examining the time-tested definition of marriage and the people who engage in it. (Not saying marriage is always practiced as it should be among heterosexuals but that it is designed to give us the best chance of achieving success and happiness in our relationships.)

Husbands, having the connotation of managing domestic affairs and resources, as in husbandry – for men in marriage. A wife, indicating a married woman, in compliment and completion of a man. (help-mate, suitable helper, companion – Genesis 2:20) Families are recognized as the result of this joining of a man and woman in a household, a social unit consisting of parents and children related through marriage and birth in a common ancestry or of children adopted into this stable family environment. Marriage represents the melding together of two people – a man and a woman – for the mutual betterment, support and gratification of both; becoming an expression of love and provision for one another and in the process creating new life between them. (Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 sometimes seen as a good analogy of marriage as well as friendship.)

Jesus didn't address the subject of homosexuality but did reiterate what had been the long-standing teaching and practice of the Old Testament concerning men and women being joined in marriage. "…the Creator made them male and female,…" (Matthew 19:5; Genesis 2:20-24); the goal of their "cleaving" together being a oneness in body, spirit and purpose – consequently bearing children into a stable home. This in turn established the driving force behind stable societies and civilized culture.

Stark evidence exists of the breakdown of society in consequence to the breakdown of marriage and the family unit. Years of extreme poverty and war in Central Africa have uprooted scores of people, dictating a transient lifestyle on their culture. Families have been torn apart in their attempt to survive, the absence of most men compounding the problem as they answer their country's call to war. Prostitution as a means of survival is rampant and homosexuality is commonplace among the wandering masses of men as families are abandoned and forgotten – thus the unbridled disease, ravaging poverty and an AIDs crisis unparalled anywhere else in the world.

The church's stand on marriage is fairly simple, being expressed as a guard against immorality (1 Corinthians 7:9 and 1 Timothy 5:14), an acceptance of mutual responsibility and obligation (1 Corinthians 7:3,4 and Ephesians 5:21-31), along with a commitment to make it work for a lifetime – no divorce (1 Corinthians 7:10-11; Matthew 19:9; Romans 7:2,3; Hebrews 13:4), except under extreme circumstances. (adultery, Matthew 19:9 and abandonment, 1 Corinthians 7:15) Notice that the roles of husband and wife are always filled by men and women and that the stated intent is to enhance opportunities to educate, train and develop respect for the family, responsibility to society and reverence for the Lord and his church. (1 Timothy 3:4,5; Deuteronomy 4:9,5:16; Leviticus 19:3) Marriage and families are characterized in scripture as blessings from God. (Psalm 68:6,113:9), used as an example of the joy to be gained in God's presence through ordered living (Ephesians 6:1-4; Colossians 3:18-21; 1 John 3:1) – allegorically depicting the relationship between the Lord and his bride, the church. Hence the prohibitions against adultery, divorce and the perverting of the divine plan for mankind. (Jeremiah 23:10; Matthew 5:27,28; Ephesians 5:32; Revelation 19:7)

Love, marriage and sex – in that order – with the appropriate partner, seems reasonable for many of us; but as with most other provisions Satan seeks to degrade and counterfeit this blessing of God as well. Paul dealt with this topic rather explicitly in his Roman letter, assuring the Christians there that God had made his purposes known and that they could be understood. God made sure his revelation would be universal enough so that even those without the benefit of temple, mosque or church could see and hear "naturally". "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that we are without excuse." Yet people are often vain and prefer what their darkened hearts can imagine for itself; professing wisdom, spouting foolishness. (Romans 1:19-22)

When that choice is made, God gives them over to their own designs; initially to convince them of its foolhardiness, then to enslave them to their own desires and subsequent heartache. Sexual impurity embraces a number of practices that are equally sinful in God's eyes. Yet I can't help but feel that "the degrading of their bodies" as they exchange God's plan for human relationships with one of their own that is so plainly contrary to the natural order of physical accommodation and compatibility isn't somewhat more insulting and unsettling. Sexual immorality has a way of escalating and perversion is never satisfied. Some "straight" individuals, in giving themselves over to unbridled lust progress to a yearning for something more and different – an Ac/Dc, either/or acceptance of partners. (Romans 1:24-27)

Not considering God's will in this matter worthwhile and choosing to indulge their appetites and inclinations as they see fit, the depravity of their thinking often finds expression in other areas of life as well; greed, insolence, arrogance, etc. And so we find ourselves with the predicament we have in society today, people not only practicing evil in the privacy of their own homes but advertising, recruiting and applauding others in their doing of evil. (Romans 1:28-32)

A solution is available though. In turning to God, repenting of evil and seeking his will in all matters of life, we can find redemption, restitution and new direction. For the same author who writes of the condemnation of those who engage in such evil assures us of God's love and forgiveness when we acknowledge him, repent of our rebellion and turn to his way in obedience. Then, "…there is (no longer any) condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus,…"; as they no longer, "…live according to the sinful nature but according to the Spirit." Romans 8:1,4

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Biography Information:

Fred Price - married (50 years), father of two grown children, grandfather of six.

Fred retired earlier this year after 42 years as a factory worker.  He has always had a heart for young people and the challenges they face today.  Over the years Fred has taught Discipleship Groups for High School and college students.