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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

Once Upon A Timeā€¦
Date Posted: April 6, 2018

…not so very long ago, everyone – at least every male – carried a pistol on his hip and a rifle in a saddle-holster on his horse. Not merely for show, they were genuinely needed for personal protection, as well as safeguarding their families and maintaining their possessions. The lawless state of the country, or at least the area many inhabited, necessitating a source of power to validate their quest for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

But then something happened, slowly but inexorably. With the advance of civilization, people became more civilized, their behavior based more on civility instead of a might makes right attitude; with a new set of written and unwritten laws gradually coming to govern private and public relationships. Consequently, for the most part, the need for individual citizens to seek their own justice came to an end. The rule of law, with its own means of enforcement, became the norm instead of the exception.

A large part of that rule of law found its inspiration in Christian ideals and principles, particularly the so-called Golden Rule, which was explicit in its intended application. “…in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you,…” And if that wasn’t implicit enough, Jesus assured his listeners that this “command”, “…sums up the Law and Prophets.”; in their entirety. (Matthew 7:12) The specifics of this new outlook on life articulated in the parable of Matthew 25:31-46, the sermon of Matthew 5,6 & 7 and the later instructions of Paul to the fledgling church in Romans 12 and of James in James 2:14-26.

In fact, Paul declared that Christ’s words of grace and acts of mercy were, “…the end of the law.”; as it was then known. (Romans 10:4) Further asserting that the love Jesus insisted we show our fellowman – believers, “neighbors” and even enemies – was the underlying purpose of the old law and expectation of the new one he was inaugurating. (See John13:35 & 15:17, Matthew 5:44 & 19:19)

In fact, Matthew and Mark record Jesus as elevating love for God – and through him – love of others to the pinnacle of importance in our daily lives. (Matthew 22:37-40 & Mark 12:30,31) The law’s expectation, then and now, of fair play, honor, respect, civility, truthfulness and patience, etc., etc. automatically being realized if we genuinely care for others. Paul noting that, “Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.” (See also Galatians 5:13,14 & James2:9)

Even the irreligious recognize the benefits of this “law” and often allow its universal application to influence their behavior. All men and women being “created” in the image of God (Genesis 1:20,27), with the capacity to respond appropriately to his overall will. (See Romans 2:14,15)

The rule of law’s shortfall being that even as it teaches us the difference between right and wrong, and enforces it by punishing those who persist in doing the latter, it can’t necessarily make good citizens. That comes from something – or someone – exerting enough influence over us to entice us to change our hearts and minds. (The law acting as a deterrent but falling short of creating someone anew. (2 Corinthians 5:17) In fact, our country’s founders thoroughly believed good government could only be achieved through the efforts and influence of Godly – Christian people. (With a nod to some other faiths as well.) John Witherspoon, author of the Thanksgiving Day Proclamation of 1782 writing, “The practice of true and undefiled religion…is the great foundation of public prosperity and national happiness.” John Adams, speaking for most of the other founding fathers concurred, arguing that, “…our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people,…” Believing it was problematic, at the very least, given the degree of freedom Americans were receiving if they were not restrained by a personal sense of propriety and virtue. Again, many founding fathers fearing freedoms degeneration to license and anarchy. Mr. Adams further stating that, “Statesmen may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone, which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand.”1

George Washington explicitly cautioned during his farewell address at the end of the Revolutionary War, that “…of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports… and let us with caution indulge this supposition, that morality can be maintained without religion,”2

Political Activist, preacher and teacher Witherspoon lectured students at Princeton on the enactment and administration of civil law, saying “…a constitution is excellent, when the spirit of the civil law is such as to have a tendency to prevent offences and make men good, as much as to punish them when they do evil.” But, “…what can be done by law to make the people …virtuous?” The answer being, since “…virtue and piety are inseparably connected, then to promote true religion is the best and most effectual way of making a virtuous and regular people.”3 (A major concern for our founding fathers being whether a “depraved”, sin-nature driven society could police itself enough to survive.) It didn’t matter so much that everyone was a professing Christian – although that was certainly the ideal and goal – the principles contained in scripture and effectively lived out by genuine believers could and will permeate even a secular society, and in proportion to the degree that it does so, encourage decent behavior.

The ongoing attempt by some in our society today to gradually remove those Christian principles from our culture, fostering the idea that everyone has a right to decide what they will or won’t do solely based on their own perception of right and wrong, has gone a long way in bringing on the predicaments and tragedies that bedevil us today.

Our democratic form of government, although struggling at times, is still the best form of representative government the world has ever known. (If not, why are so many people from so many other countries still trying to come here?) But alas, our representatives are fallen creatures, as are we all, and need our constant vigilance and insistence that they do the job we’ve entrusted them with properly. The remedy for those who fail to do so is found in our right and opportunity to vote them out of office. At times, members of both sides of the political divide lie, cheat, and deceive to get their way; in the process demonizing anyone who disagrees with them and thus contributing to the gross lack of civility we see today across our nation. People described by Paul as, “…men who suppress the truth by their wickedness,,…” Romans 1:19 Men and women who need to stop pandering to their special interest groups and actually listen to all of us, who must quit posturing and do something besides getting elected to office and then doing and saying whatever it takes to stay there. (Which means we all will have to learn the art of compromise, a dirty word for some, but in actuality the lifeblood of effective governance.)

Once upon a time, not too long ago, people didn’t feel a need to carry a weapon on their hip, fortify their schools and churches, mistrust their neighbors and distrust their representatives in Congress. Maybe, by the grace of God, we can resurrect those times again.

1Quoted from John Witherspoon and the Founding of the American Republic, by Jeffry Morrison – Notre Dame Publishing

2 ibid

3 ibid

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Biography Information:

Fred Price - married (50 years), father of two grown children, grandfather of six.

Fred retired earlier this year after 42 years as a factory worker.  He has always had a heart for young people and the challenges they face today.  Over the years Fred has taught Discipleship Groups for High School and college students.