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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

"The World's Future is Being Decided at This Time."
Date Posted: December 28, 2018

Some view statements like this one by social commentator Dennis Prager as unnecessarily alarmist while others greet it with a yawn. Rabbi Prager admits that, “Such moments are extremely rare in history. And when they have occurred, they have been between two, not three, competing ideologies.”1Yet he believes there are now indeed three competing ideologies striving for pre-eminence in shaping mankind’s future; Militant Islam, Western European secular/socialism and American Judeo/Christian capitalism. (And although the original premise for this article was first published several years ago, the battle lines between these competing ideologies has only become more starkly drawn over time.)

The first – Islam – is being spread both peacefully and violently. “Though most people ignore the fact, almost all of the world’s believing Muslims believe that all of mankind should be Muslim. This, in and of itself, is not troubling – after all most Christians would like the whole world to be Christian, and most Westerners would like the whole world to be democratic. What is troubling is that if only 10 percent of those Muslims are prepared to use violence, we are talking about 100 million people.”1

The second – Western European secular/socialism – is primarily peaceful; except for it’s attempts at coercion and intimidation through acts of civil disobedience and lawlessness at rallies and marches around the world. Claiming to represent world-peace, they were vociferously anti-Bush and anti-American; yet remained curiously silent during Sudan’s murderous civil war and slave-trading, the genocide in Rwanda, China’s crushing embrace of Tibet, the Muslim violence against Christians in Nigeria, North Korea’s oppressive hold over its people, and the Palestinian aim to “drive Israel into the sea.” Leading some to assert that Western European socialists and their American counterparts are just as passionate about secularism and socialism as some believing Muslims are about militant Islam; they’re just peculiarly selective about which “crimes” to protest against.

The third ideology – often characterized as the American Way – embodies Judeo-Christian ideals and the concepts of capitalism through small government. (The opposite of socialism) At the moment, these ideas face serious impediments and rare support; most dependably coming from our allies in Britain and Israel. Of primary concern is that the uniqueness of the “American experiment,” not to mention the superiority of American values based on Christian principles; are rarely being taught. The assumption being, “…that all religious faith is pretty much the same in its character and effect. (Yet) For all of the sins committed in its name, Christianity (and the Judeo-Christian heritage that for the most part remains strong in America) has promoted democracy and tolerance, and has usually done so far better than the secular faiths of the 20th century in whose name rivers of blood have flowed.”2It is difficult for some to conceive that Christianity is in the midst of its most rapid growth in history (particularly throughout China, Asia, and Latin America); a development some find hard to accept as it does indeed appear to be closely linked to the spread of democratic ideals and respect for human rights.

Rabbi Prager concludes that as neither Asia, Africa, nor Latin America appear to offer a satisfactory alternative, then “…either Europe’s secular/socialism, Muslim militarism, or America’s way of life will prevail.” With the caveat that, “…the American way can only prevail if American’s believe in it.” (And truly offer the world a beneficial alternative centered in Godly precepts and justice for all its citizens.) That is why, as important as the ideological battles we have with others may be, “…the most important battle is the ideological one within America. And given that only America offers a viable alternative to both militant Islam and secular/socialism, if we lose the battle here, humanity has a very dark future.”

This may sound somewhat pessimistic and Pro-American to some and I would have to agree that God can raise up a people anywhere to carry on his purposes; but it is also significant that God’s Word proclaims, “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,…” Psalm 33:2 Scripture further attributing true freedom as being contingent on knowing Christ as revealed throughout his Word. (See John 8:32 The freedom referred to here primarily being that which we find in Christ through salvation – but I believe applicable on a number of levels throughout our lives.) For the veil of unbelief and misunderstanding can only be lifted – and true spiritual as well as personal liberty realized – as a result of the sacrificial intervention of Jesus Christ and our embracing of his Way. For, “…the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty.” 2 Corinthians 3:16,17

This debate will be settled in large part by the resolve and actions of today’s young adults – and only time will tell how faithful and effective you will be.

1Quotes of Rabbi Prager taken “From the President’s Desk” by Dr. David Noebel – The Journal

2Michael Horowitz – “Monumentally Patronizing “, World Magazine

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Biography Information:

Fred Price - married (50 years), father of two grown children, grandfather of six.

Fred retired earlier this year after 42 years as a factory worker.  He has always had a heart for young people and the challenges they face today.  Over the years Fred has taught Discipleship Groups for High School and college students.