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Point of Reference

    by Fred Price

"You… worship what you do not know;…"
Date Posted: April 30, 2004

Jesus' comment to the Samaritan woman was not merely a rebuke but a challenge to her complacency. Like many today, what beliefs she had she held strongly; but her knowledge of the truth was limited and she was not motivated enough to seek a more complete understanding of her faith. She was comfortable in the knowledge she had; her faith reinforcing who she was and what she did rather than encouraging her to question who she was and what she was about in relation to God and his expectations.

We recently looked at "unbelieving born-agains" at this site, lamenting the fact that many claiming a fundamental born-again experience had very little understanding as to what that really means and less desire to find out. Their belief went no further than that they were saved, from what and for what purpose they knew next to nothing. Subsequently, the Christian pollster George Barna put together a list of fundamental biblical precepts that all Christians could presumably affirm: absolute moral truth derived from scripture, Jesus' sinlessness, the literal existence of Satan, God's omnipotence and omniscience, salvation by grace alone, the purpose and responsibility of Christians to God and their fellowman to evangelize.

This is a bare-bones list, leaving out a number of essential doctrines of Christian faith, yet strongly indicative of one's worldview; submitted to pastors this time to gauge what is being taught. Only 51% of pastors polled felt compelled to agree with all these essential doctrines of the faith. Should it be surprising then to find that just 7% of Protestants overall agree with theses biblical truths, with only 9% of "born-again" believers holding to them as essential?

There seems to be a huge gap even where pastors do hold to strong biblical worldviews, the research indicating that most congregations in the typical modern-day church do not share it. This suggests to Mr. Barna that, "merely preaching good sermons and offering helpful programs does not enable most believers to develop a practical and scriptural theological base to shape their life." Acquiring one, "is a long-term process that requires a lot of purposeful activity: teaching, prayer, conversation, accountability and so forth." A joint responsibility of those who are charged with shepherding the flock and those who are being led to question, seeking real answers, earnestly attempting to understand what and who they are being led to.

Gene Veith, culture editor of World Magazine, did find some encouragement in a few of the statistics noted in his article, "Stray Pastors."F1 Younger pastors (those under 40) are more likely to have a biblical worldview than older ones! Those who have been in ministry 5 years or less ranking higher than anyone. Maybe the tide of unbelief within our churches and culture is finally being turned; led by the energy, intelligence, desire and resolve of the younger generation.

Many sheep of God's flock are indeed hungry but often aren't being fed; yet rather than quietly accepting the fate of a starvation diet they are striking out on their own and diligently looking for answers. This is as it should be, the stakes being too high and the consequences too great for us to merely accept anything and everything we are told without question. (There being a difference however between rebellious challenges and honest questions.) It is our shepherd's responsibility to lead us well, it is ours to take our faith and faithfulness seriously enough to fully understand what it is we are called to believe, developing the confidence in that knowledge to live well and effectively in Christ.

We have God's assurance that, "You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." Jeremiah 29:13 God rewards the seeking individual who builds up his faith in the process of searching for God and an understanding of his nature: "…because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists (the first step to belief) and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (the continuing steps to faithfulness) Hebrews 11:6

The remedy for not knowing is simple – find out! This is not a question of doubtfulness but of attempting to thoroughly prove the value of what you're being taught; gaining insight, understanding and confidence in the knowledge gained through the search for genuineness and the reality of God's Word. Keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking! "For everyone who asks, receives; he who seeks, finds, and to him who knocks, the door will be opened." Matthew 7:7, 8

F1 World Magazine – Feb. 7, 2004

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Biography Information:

Fred Price - married (50 years), father of two grown children, grandfather of six.

Fred retired earlier this year after 42 years as a factory worker.  He has always had a heart for young people and the challenges they face today.  Over the years Fred has taught Discipleship Groups for High School and college students.