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Refreshment in Refuge

    by Gina Burgess

7 people to cut loose from your inner circle
Date Posted: May 5, 2024

Devilish Advocates

There are numerous examples of this type of person, but Job’s wife is an epitome. By no means am I advocating divorce here. I am pointing to the need to choose a wife or husband carefully. Matthew Henry points out a stark truth. When Satan was given permission to take any and all that belonged to Job, he left Job’s wife. This seeming oversight was filled with devilish purpose as we see in Job 2:9. She was like Michal to David by scoffing Job’s faith. To her, trials and troubles were signs of God’s lack, not His power or purpose. When allowing people into your innermost circle, people such as dear friends or specifically that special person you desire to marry, then be wary of the fair weather person who has never withstood a storm for their faith has not been tested. This kind of person may be a devilish advocate. If you have married this kind of person, then pray for him or her. Not the passing kind of prayer, “God please help ____.” The prayer of a righteous person avails much, so pray for each specific thing. Carry every reaction to God and lay it on His altar. Prayer is so amazing and love so divine, and miracles so much God’s business you will find peace no matter the actions of your loved one. If you find this kind of person in your inner circle, then pray for them; but, cut them loose.

Raving Fans

Jonadab the son of Shimeah, David's brother is an excellent example of this kind of person. He was friend to Amnon, David’s son, and Jonadab was a very crafty man. The devil has great use for these kinds of people. When Amnon succumbed to the great temptation born of Satan to lust after his half-sister, he shared his “secret” with his friend Jonadab. Instead of counseling Amnon to reconsider, and to let go of an unhealthy, even perverse attachment, he encouraged it. He devised him a plan that Amnon followed. Whether Jonadab knew the rape would happen or not, we are not told. The fact that Jonadab encouraged the plan proved the wickedness of his own heart, and proved him the most perverse of friends. Amnon was wicked as well, and Satan’s affect on him was sickness in his heart. He knew it was wrong. Who knows, if he had confided in another friend whose faith in God was deep and abiding Tamar might never have been ravaged. People who agree with your every word are never helpful. It is the wise person who is surrounded by those who give thoughtful, godly advice; the wise person who acknowledges that he is not perfect.

Inside Scoopers

Gossip is the bane of Christians. It is that white sin disguised by the preface, “We need to pray for _____ because _____.” In truth, there are many requests for prayer for particular things that happen. However, when the requester asks for it to remain between the two of you, and that knowledge is spread to others that is gossip and is a sin as black as bearing false witness. Solomon said in Proverbs 25:18 A man who gives false witness against his neighbor is a maul, and a sword and a sharp arrow.


Backstabbers are that particularly vile breed of people who are full of sweet praises to your face but wield the sword of destruction into your back. They think nothing of defaming your reputation or your work all for the sake of climbing to a higher place on the rubble of your good name. While Joab did not defame David, he certainly stabbed him in the back by murdering Abner who was no saint and had full intention to harm David. Such a tangled web of deceit in this story we find in 2 Samuel 3. In battle, Abner killed Joab’s brother. Abner made peace with David after the battle and went his way. When Joab heard that David had allowed Abner to depart in peace, he was so distraught he basically called the king a fool for letting him go. Then Abner, without the knowledge of David, pursued Abner and called him outside the gates of Hebron (a city of refuge) to “speak privately some instruction” presumably from David to Abner. Then he stabbed Abner and left him for dead. This was despicable because Joab was supposedly David’s man. He had no care for whatever state reasons David had for making peace with Abner. He wanted revenge and took it in a deceitful and vile way in full view of the people of Hebron. Backstabbers are out for one person only, and all to make themselves look good. You can never trust them, so cut them loose.


These people are similar to backstabbers. Their world has just one person in it, and all others are there to serve that person. Herod Agrippa fits this description perfectly. He killed all of his sons, killed his brother and married his brother’s wife. Then when the people began to proclaim him as God, he fully accepted the acclaim; but promptly fell dead and was eaten up with worms as proved by what fell from his entrails when he fell dead. These people are easy to spot. They have a king-complex, or a princess mentality, and they will pencil you in to their schedule but erase you if something better comes along. They will never be around when you need help or prayer. They should be easy to cut loose from the fold.

Maintenance Schedulers

Ever meet someone who is needy? They must be constantly stroked or they accuse you of forgetting their friendship. Barak fits this bill, and we find him in Judges 4. Deborah tells him that God has a job for him to do, and that is to fight Sisera, the commander of Jabin’s army. God would deliver Sisera into Barak’s hands. Can you hear the whine in Barak’s voice when he said, “Okay… I’ll go but only if you come with me Deborah.” Constant reassurance, constant propping up is the kind of effort you have to put out for this person. He will suck you dry before you realize it. Cut him loose before he sucks your blessings away, too.

Roadblock Prophets—not in the inner circle, but certainly devil-guided

Nehemiah faced several of these fellows, Sanballat and Tobiah to name two, when he went to rebuild Jerusalem. These two were furious when they found out Jerusalem was being fortified with a new wall. They mocked, jeered, and made plans to attack the workers. God intervened. However, the threat remained. The workers were given two shifts and worked with a sword in one hand and construction tools in the other. The work was all the more difficult because of the roadblock prophets’ threats and mechanizations against Nehemiah. God brought their plans to nothing, which is a very good thing to take note of here. When we are in God’s will, with His desires made our own, then His perfect plan will come to fruition. Taking our eyes off the target such as what Peter did when walking on water will only allow us to sink.

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Biography Information:

Gina Burgess has taught Sunday School and Discipleship Training for almost three decades. (Don't tell her that makes her old.) She earned her Master's in Communication in 2013.

She is the author of several books including: When Christians Hurt Christians, The Crowns of the Believers and others available in online bookstores. She authors several columns, using her God-given talent to shine a light in a dark world. You can browse her blog at Refreshment In Refuge.

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