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Refreshment in Refuge

    by Gina Burgess

Cool surprise around the corner
Date Posted: November 22, 2020

Several years ago, okay it more than a decade ago, I had just separated from my wicked husband. I used part of my retirement money to get a new car so I'd have reliable transportation for my job selling cemetery property.

Late one night, coming home from work I bounced over a pot hole and the A/C went out. One minute blowing cold air, the next warm and humid, summer night air came pouring through the vents. I prayed about it. I hadn't sold anything for several weeks and I just didn't have the money for a new A/C. (Turned out the pot hole had nothing to do with the A/C.)

One very hot July day, my daughter called and asked if I would come help her pack for moving. "Of course," I said. On the way to her place to help pack, I was once again talking to God about my A/C. I reminded Him that I must arrive at my clients homes cool as a cucumber. He reminded me that I worked at night. I reminded Him that South Louisiana is not the coolest place in the world at night and that it was hot and humid especially in July. He reminded me that it had been a rather cool July.

Have you ever noticed in the Bible that when God "remembers" someone, things happen? God remembered Noah and all the living things in the ark... God remember Rachel and she got pregnant with Joseph... God remembered His covenant with Abraham and He brought Israel out from slavery... God remembered Hannah...

One of my favorite remember verses is

Numbers 10:9 And when you go into battle in your land against the foe distressing you, then you shall blow with the trumpets, and you shall be remembered before Jehovah your God. And you shall be saved from your enemies.

I wanted to remind God about all these thing so that perhaps something would happen for me. I finished with, 'But, I would just like to arrive at my destinations cool and refreshed, not smelling like a horse! So, would He, could He please do something about my arriving places cool and not sweaty?'

The light turned green, then. I turned the corner towards my daughter's place and my glass full of ice and water promptly turned over in my lap. Oh, yes, I arrived cool and refreshed!

I still chuckle over that. That day, God taught me that He will sometimes answer our prayers in a very unusual way.

He will satisfy our needs and our wants according to His good purposes. Psalm 90:14 O satisfy us in the morning with Your mercy, and we will be glad and rejoice all our days.

A couple of months later, my younger daughter had a wreck in that car, totally demolishing it. That $800.00 for the A/C would have been completely wasted. So now, when I don't have an answer to my prayer the way I expect it, I always look for the ice water in the lap trick. God is laughing and then saying, "Cool it, Gina. I know what's best for you. Come over here, climb in My lap and let’s laugh about it together."

I can’t think of anything sweeter than to sit in His lap and laugh with God.

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Biography Information:

Gina Burgess has taught Sunday School and Discipleship Training for almost three decades. (Don't tell her that makes her old.) She earned her Master's in Communication in 2013.

She is the author of several books including: When Christians Hurt Christians, The Crowns of the Believers and others available in online bookstores. She authors several columns, using her God-given talent to shine a light in a dark world. You can browse her blog at Refreshment In Refuge.

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