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Refreshment in Refuge

    by Gina Burgess

Increasing God's Joy
Date Posted: April 17, 2022

Continuing the discussion from last week on meekness and how we should exhibit this trait in order to please God, we need to take a closer look at the purpose God has for Christians.

The word that Paul uses for purpose is prothesis which is the Greek word for showbread. I explained briefly that because Paul uses the word prothesis, it indicates we Christians are the showbread, the purpose of God to illustrate His manifold wisdom to the principalities and powers of the heavenlies, Ephesians 3. That word manifold in the Greek is polupoikilos meaning much variegated, perhaps better translated polka-dotted. Each dot is a huge, individual unit of God’s wisdom. He is focused on each of us individually, and just as the showbread was renewed every seven days and was continually in His presence, we have been sanctified by Christ’s perfect sacrifice and are continually in His presence. We have been given the right to go boldly into His throne room, the inner sanctuary, the Holy of Holies because of the covering and purifying of Christ’s blood.

Just as the showbread was renewed each week, we must be renewed by studying His Word, by gathering with our siblings to honor and worship Him. The renewing of our minds with the washing of the Word, as Peter put it. The meek are teachable, trainable in the ways of God. His word is the lamp to our feet. How can we get to know Him better unless we study His love letter to us, His children?

On a side note, some scholars teach that the showbread represents Jesus. Since the Israelites had their daily ration of manna, the Bread of Heaven, I am inclined to believe more that the showbread illustrates Believers rather than Jesus. The manna came everyday, a portion of it was placed in the Ark of the Covenant and never needed renewal. In addition, there is a quality of manna that is rarely studied and that is it required the participation of the receiver in order for it to do the good for which it was intended. However much was gathered, it was enough food for the day.

Back to the subject at hand. The meek increase God’s joy. Isaiah 29:19. How is it possible for the lowly and humble to increase the joy of God? Isn’t He complete within Himself? Yes, He is. However, the fact that Isaiah penned this verse, indicates that God’s emotions are triggered by man’s reaction to Himself. When the Jews rejected Jesus, He wept. He was distressed that Jerusalem would have none of Him when He tried to gather them under His wings as a hen gathers her chicks. The meek are pliable in God’s hands, and grow daily to look more and more like our brother Jesus. That pleases God greatly. Obedience pleases God. Faith pleases God. God manifests His infinite wisdom in how He draws these things from His children. God uses this to show the principalities of the heavenlies His infinite wisdom and this causes great awe in them.

God will beautify the meek with salvation. Psalm 149:4. What an astounding thing. If we are not meek, does this mean we are not saved? While no man can see into another man’s heart, we certainly know by the fruit of a tree whether the tree is good or not. The meek produce fruit that is good, therefore the tree is good. I take this verse to mean that placing Jesus first, making Him LORD of our hearts puts us in a position of higher learning. When we submit to God’s will, then God will give us multiple, temporal rescues from those trials and tribulations we humans face continually since they are common to mankind. We have the authority given by Jesus to ask in His name and it will be provided to us. Only the meek are wise enough to understand God’s will. The proud and haughty look to their own understanding, while the meek know beyond doubt that God knows best. The meek understand, “It isn’t my problem, it is God’s problem. These trails and tribulations are classroom training for the higher purpose, the eternal purposes of God.”

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Biography Information:

Gina Burgess has taught Sunday School and Discipleship Training for almost three decades. (Don't tell her that makes her old.) She earned her Master's in Communication in 2013.

She is the author of several books including: When Christians Hurt Christians, The Crowns of the Believers and others available in online bookstores. She authors several columns, using her God-given talent to shine a light in a dark world. You can browse her blog at Refreshment In Refuge.

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