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Refreshment in Refuge

    by Gina Burgess

The Cheapening of Life
Date Posted: January 18, 2015

One of the things that sets humans apart from the baser animal kingdom is self-control, deductive reasoning, and planning. To be promiscuous as well as indiscriminate, a person is living a risk-filled lifestyle with probability of STDs and pregnancy. Birth control merely opens the door wider for health risks, rather than preventive medicine. The only 100% effective birth control is abstinence which I taught both my daughters.

I'm talking about how society has cheapened the value of life.

The Institute of Medicine reports that free birth control such as pills, IUDs, and patches is essential health care. Because of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (2010) the IOM is asserting birth control is "preventive medicine.”


One of the commentators on this story points out that birth control is already free and has been since the beginning to time. It's called abstinence. Another commentator states that since people are people and will never be celibate, then the IOM is correct in pushing for free birth control.

The crux of the discussion is not what happens between married people. It isn’t even preventing unwanted pregnancies. What the Affordable Care Act states is that abortion is a “preventive medicine,” or at least alludes to it.

The committee defined preventive health services as measures — including medications, procedures, devices, tests, education and counseling — shown to improve well-being, and/or decrease the likelihood or delay the onset of a targeted disease or condition, wrote the report’s authors.

According to a report yesterday, Planned Parenthood uses 72% of all its funding for abortions. The federal government gave Planned Parenthood $540.6 million. That means American paid $389 million for abortions. Here’s the kicker… wait for it… yes, it is horrific… The Planned Parenthood budget for last year was $1.21 billion! They proudly announced that the organization on the second page of their budget report that, “We are the most effective advocate in the country for policies that protect access to safe and legal abortion and advance women’s health, actively lobbying in every state legislature ….” The same report states that PP performed 327,166 abortions in their 2012 fiscal year.

Not only are they bent on aborting children, but they are also spending money hand over fist to recruit activists and invest in technology to “reach a whole new generation.”

Of course it is a shame babies are born without fathers in the home, and born to babies themselves. It isn't the child's fault, but the biological parents. How can we fix this? Our society is hell bent for leather to dispel self-control and have it your way, you deserve a break today, just do it. What comes into the home in the form of sexual commercials (whether explicit or innuendo), movies with sexual content, and an astonishing number of TV shows promoting loose morals and foul language on commercial TV, is just part of the problem.

The bulk of the fault lies within the realm of what parents teach their children. Willfulness of children isn't being reigned in any longer. Small children are throwing tantrums in public while parents just pat them on the head. The lack of self-control of the parents is the forerunner of wild teenagers. Disobedience is not being curtailed and leads to disrespect of society in general thus we have the lack of respect for the sanctity of life.

It is no more than what the Bible prophesies for the end times. The selfishness of mankind will overwhelm society, and society defines sin. This sin of selfishness is called “my right to what I want,” and overrides the importance of the unborn life in my womb. Society is determining that lifestyle is more important the life.

Here is a very hard truth: The Bible tells us that being silent about something that we know is a sin, is actually a sin itself (James 4:17). Saying, “Oh, but I didn’t know!” doesn’t cut it either. God constantly and consistently searches the hearts of men. He knows. The temptation to stay out of it, to keep silent, and to turn our backs plays to our fear of not fitting in or fear of recrimination. It is easier to not get involved. God tells us to speak out for the speechless.

There are huge blessings for those whose hearts are filled with wanting to please God rather than pleasing man. Not everyone has the temerity to stand outside an abortion clinic to protest the murdering of innocent children, but there are other, less strident ways to speak out for those innocents.

If you are wondering what you can do to help prevent abortion, here are 25 Things You Can Do

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Biography Information:

Gina Burgess has taught Sunday School and Discipleship Training for almost three decades. (Don't tell her that makes her old.) She earned her Master's in Communication in 2013.

She is the author of several books including: When Christians Hurt Christians, The Crowns of the Believers and others available in online bookstores. She authors several columns, using her God-given talent to shine a light in a dark world. You can browse her blog at Refreshment In Refuge.

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