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Relationships of The Heart w/ Nancy

    by Nancy Watta

A Love For The Church
Date Posted: February 28, 2010

Have you ever met someone who has a love for a group of people? It is apparent in the inflection and sincerity in their voice. It is felt in the words they use, as they speak of the group of people. It is a caress and arm around the people that is felt, even if they are not in each other’s company. As I write this it brings up a love in my own heart of various groups of people that have been a part of my life.

The first company I worked for as a young adult in my first sales representative job was a company that I still speak of with fondness. The company owners required a hard day’s work, but they also cared about each person. I recall a specific time that I was late for a meeting, and when I arrived my employer requested to meet with me following the meeting. I thought I was in big trouble because I was late, but when our conversation took place I found this to be untrue. His concern was that if I am late again, that I need to call the office and let them know that I would be late. Why? I was traveling a long distance in winter weather to the office and he desired to know that I was not hurt or slid into the ditch along the way. Yes, the expectation was that we were to be on time, but there was a caring that permeated the company, from the top down.

Paul was a person that deeply loved a group of people. In fact he deeply loved many groups of people. The groups of people he cared about during his life time, was the Church of Jesus Christ. Over and over again we read in the Pauline Epistles, the heart of Paul as he writes letter after letter to the Churches. It is a consistent fact throughout Paul’s writings, that he loved the church. The Thessalonians an infant church is one example of the many that Paul loved dearly and deeply.

The Thessalonian church was located in an area of persecution. Paul commends them in 1 Thessalonians 1:6-7; and you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit, so that you became examples to all in Macedonia and Achaia who believe. Paul is commending the church he loves, for their stick-to-itiveness. He is lifting them up with his words.

As we move on through the book of Thessalonians we see that Paul’s advice and guidance to the church, the people he loves, is very practical advice. They are words to assist them in living a righteous life in the midst of a tough time. These same words speak to us today as believers. They are timeless words.

In viewing a section of Thessalonians 5:14-22, we read that Paul gives very clear instructions to the people he loves. This directs them in a practical way, on how to live in the church. He does not write a long list of what the people are doing wrong. Instead he instructs them in how to live the Christian life as the church.

Teaching Point

· Warn those who are unruly.

· Comfort the faint hearted.

· Uphold the weak.

· Be patient with ALL

· Do not Payback evil for evil to anyone.

· Pursue what is good, for you and for all.

· Rejoice always.

· Pray without ceasing.

· In everything, give thanks. (This is the will of God.)

· Do not quench the spirit.

· Do not despise prophecies.

· Test all things.

· Hold fast to what is good.

· Abstain from every form of evil.

Biblical Learning

Although we do not live during the time of Paul, the instructions from Paul to the Thessalonians can easily be applied to our life today. No matter the nation we live in, or the language we speak Paul’s teaching is timeless.

After reading the top portion of, “A Love for The Church,” read 1 Thessalonians 5:1-28. When finished go back to 5:14-22 and read this section of scripture again. Do not be in a hurry. As you read ask the Holy Spirit to assist you to apply what you are reading to your life. Use the list above under, “They are to-“. Examine each point and examine where you are in your personal life. Watch for the Holy Spirit to not only show you what you should change in your life, but what practical advice that you are carrying out successfully. End in prayer and ask the Lord for his help to live in the way that Paul instructed the Thessalonians.

Your comments and thoughts are welcome.

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Biography Information:

Nancy is the, founder/leader of the Relationships of the Heart Learning Community, and Truth and Relationships.

Global focus, through social media, video, podcast, blogs and online courses. She also is a Global English Tutor.

In the U.S. and Around the World, Nancy encouarges the church to become a Learning Community that is focused on Discipleship, and living life God's way.

*Words from Nancy, No barrier is too high for us to bridge the gap in local, and global relationships.

Online Course Leader at-

1- The Basic Steps to Improving Our Focus as Leaders.