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Single Minded

    by Michelle Brinson

How's Your Heart?
Date Posted: May 18, 2005

Guard your heart above all else, for it is the source of life.
Proverbs 4:23 HCSB

We are a society that guards many things. We guard our property. We guard our assets. We even guard our health. In fact, it would be easy to read the title of my column and wonder, am I'm talking about your heart "physically"? Health seems to be on everyone's mind these days and don't get me wrong, it is important. But the question I'm really asking is… where do your thoughts come from?

Have you ever thought about that before?

The word "heart" as it's used in this verse in the Bible means "mind" – the center of our intelligence, our emotions and our will. This verse indicates that the moral conduct of humanity, our every attitude, action, and purpose are determined by what we believe and what we think. Essentially - our actions flow out from our heart. Therefore, according to how are hearts are kept or neglected our actions flow accordingly.

Scripture makes it clear how important it is that we guard our hearts… our minds… because it affects everything else in our lives. So, what are we guarding against? The easiest answer is anything that is false – anything that would not glorify or edify God. It sounds simple enough… but it's easier said than done. The reverse of this would be to focus our minds on what is true.

As I said last week, the mind is a powerful thing. Just because you believe something is true, doesn't necessarily make it true. For example, for centuries most of the world believed the earth was flat, but now we know from many sources that the earth is actually a sphere. So even though most of the world believed it to be flat… it still doesn't change the fact, that what they believed was false.

As a Christian, I have accepted God's word at truth. I believe the entire Bible is the inspired Word of God and those who wrote it were moved by the Holy Spirit to write the very words of Scripture. Therefore, I believe the Bible is without error, and is the final authority of faith and practice. And as such, it is important I study and become knowledgeable about what God says is truth.

This, my friends, is the key to guarding your heart. Guard it against what is false, and bathe it in what is true.

The New John Gill Exposition of the Entire Bible expands upon Proverbs 4:23 by saying "Keep thy heart with all diligence…The mind from vanity, the understanding from error, the will from perverseness, the conscience clear of guilt, the affections from being inordinate and set on evil objects, the thoughts from being employed on bad subjects; and the whole from falling into the hands of the enemy, or being the possession of Satan: great diligence had need be used in keeping it, since it is naturally so deceitful and treacherous; a strict eye is to be kept upon it; all the avenues to it to be watched, that nothing hurtful enters, or evil comes out; it is to be kept by all manner of means that can be thought of, by prayer, hearing, reading, meditation; and, above all, by applying to Christ for his grace and Spirit to sanctify, preserve, and keep it. Or, "above all keeping, keep thine heart"; though other things are to be kept, and care taken of them, as kingdoms and cities, and towns and families, and treasures and riches; yet the heart above all:

for out of it [are] the issues of life; of natural life: it is the seat of it, from whence all actions of life are derived; it is, as philosophers say, the first that lives, and the last that dies; and it is the seat of spiritual life the principle of it is formed in it; from whence all spiritual and vital actions flow, and which lead unto and issue in eternal life: as is a man's heart, such is his state now, and will be hereafter; if the heart is quickened and sanctified by the grace of God, the man will live a life of faith and holiness here, and enjoy everlasting life hereafter: and if the heart is right, so will the actions of men be; they are regulated and denominated by it; they will then spring from right principles, and be directed to right ends, and performed with right views; great care therefore should be taken of the heart, since so much depends upon it, and it is so well known to God the searcher of it."

Wow! That's a more than a mouthful. It's a lot to take in, but I encourage you to go back and read that again. This time, read it slowly – absorb it. It's very powerful.

God knows our hearts.

Examine me, O LORD, and try me; Test my mind and my heart.
For Your lovingkindness is before my eyes, And I have walked in Your truth.
Psalm 26:2-3 NASB

He has provided us with instruction as to how to keep it protected with His help.

And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension,
will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7 NASB

Scholars tell us that the words used in Philippians 4:7 translate from a military term signifying a sentinel guarding a city. Philippi was a Roman colony heavily populated with former military from Rome. I'm sure Paul drew this wonderful analogy from things he observed in his travels. Essentially Paul is telling us that the mind should be guarded as a camp or castle would be guarded. It should be preserved from the intrusion of anxious fears and alarms.

This is something that the peace of God does for us. It is a peace that is on guard keeping watch over our hearts and our minds. I know I become most anxious when I have not spent time with God. The absence of peace in my life is directly connected to the absence of God in my life. When I have not kept Him close, I prevent Him from acting as guard over my heart and my mind.

I recently encountered a situation where I was in dire need of God guarding my heart and my mind. I love the book of Philippians and could quickly recall the verses which gave me comfort and courage in that moment, I felt God's peace and I knew He was guarding my heart and my mind. I was able to face the situation without fear. Despite how painful and difficult the situation was, it was truly a spiritual encounter for me with the God of the Universe. He protected my heart and gave me the peace I needed to get through it.

So, how's your heart these days? Are you filled with peace because you have chosen to walk in His truth? Or are you anxious and unsure worried about what lies ahead?

It all goes back to what you set your mind on.

Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.
Colossians 3:1-2 NIV

I challenge you to spend more time setting your heart and mind on things above. It will make all the difference in YOUR world

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Biography Information:
Michelle Sanders Brinson makes her home in Nashville, Tennessee with her husband Andrey, their son Jadon and their dog Rudy.

Michelle sees her marriage as a ministry and desires for it and herself to be used by God. She and her husband and son are active members of their church. She is also passionate about spreading the good news locally as well as internationally via mission trips to East Africa and wherever else the Lord leads.

Michelle is a talented writer and speaker who prays God will use her in sharing His hope and truths to those who are hurting and in need of love.