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Sufficient Grace

    by Shelly Weiss

Hard to Believe
Date Posted: November 25, 2007
So we see that they were not able to enter, because of their unbelief. Hebrews 3:19 Day after tomorrow, I go back to the doctor to assess if I am ready to return to work. Just the thought of the piles of case work, demands from my supervisor and needs of my clients is enough to induce a Crohn’s attack. Yet the bills come regardless of my lack of income. While I always (at least try to) seek God’s will first, I frequently consult with one of my Pastors who holds me accountable as he helps identify when I am falling into my unhealthy patterns. It is so important to have someone who knows the ugly side of us, the side that ‘gets tired of doing the right thing’ so they can confront us when we stray. This Pastor-Friend has that role in my life. Yesterday morning, after spending time with Jesus, I opened my mail program to email a request for Pastor-Friend to pray for my career direction. I just find it hard to believe that I am suppose to stay in a job that is literally hazardous to my health, yet my desires often cloud my understanding of God’s will so I need ‘godly counsel’. At the exact minute of opening the email, I received a message from my Pastor-Friend telling me of a saint who used his bouts with depression to encourage others through his writing. I excitedly thought this was a sign from God telling me he wants me to write full time and he will make a way for that to happen, maybe even before my doctor’s appointment! Well, the more I read about the saint, the less assurance I had as the article described how Jesus waited until he was 30 to publicly go into his full-time ministry. Jesus, the perfect Son, worked hard as a carpenter until just the right time to spread the Gospel. Obviously, he was equipped and qualified from day one to do his job, yet he had to wait. Oh no, what if God wants me to wait longer? But Lord, I promise to give you all of the glory if you just put me in a writing job! I opened my Bible study and read the following: We implement the plan and accomplish only what we can. We ask God to bless our plan, and then promise to give Him the glory when He does. Yet God is not glorified by making our plans succeed. He receives glory when His will is done in His way. (Blackaby) Ouch! Now I don’t know what to do except wait, trust, and believe God will reveal His plan at the perfect time. Hebrews 3:7-19 tells how the children of Israel spent 40 years wandering in the desert because they did not trust and believe God would deliver them. Forty years!! Dear God, I believe! Please help me overcome my unbelief! (Mark 9:24)

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Yahweh Shammah,

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Biography Information:
Shelly is a 30 something year old licensed therapist with cerebral palsy who is transitioning onto a whole new path in her life. As someone who was never limited by her disability, through recent declines in her health and abilities, God is humbling her despite her stubborn resistance. She is closer to Jesus than she ever has been as He carries her with His strength, protects her with His armor, and empowers her with His Spirit.She uses her writing and speaking gifts to fulfill her ultimate purpose of bringing glory to God through her life.