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Sufficient Grace

    by Shelly Weiss

Rich Girl
Date Posted: November 15, 2007
Over the past few days, two people have shared dramatic current events in their lives. One is facing eviction this week with no where for her and her five children to live; the other learned her father has cancer, she lost her purse and had her car repossessed with no financial relief in sight. You would never know they were experiencing such hardship as an outsider. In fact, they didn’t share with me until we had lengthy discussions. Personally, I am on unpaid medical leave at least until December, if not January. Actually, my medical leave was denied so I could be fired at any time, but I am applying for another form of leave. Except for when I interact with my boss, I am strangely at peace. It’s weird. No income until possibly next year, but I am okay. What is even more amazing is I was in a state of immobilizing depression two weeks ago, ready to lie down and surrender. Now I have a will and empowerment within which propels me to proactively change my situation. Don’t get me wrong, I am still concerned about how I am going to survive, yet I know in my heart I am going to be okay. I believe with my heart *. What carries my two friends and me is faith. RC Sproul writes the following: Saving faith is composed of information, intellectual assent, and personal trust. Saving faith involves content…Saving faith includes the mind’s assent to the truth of the gospel. There is an element of trust in saving faith. It involves personal reliance and dependence upon the gospel. This is one of the paradoxes of Christianity: Worldly poverty magnifies richness in God’s Grace. In my times of extreme darkness, Christ brings His brightest light to what I have in Him. When I am weakest, He makes me the strongest by revealing the incomparable gifts** He has given me. * Romans 10:10 – For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. ** Ephesians 2:8-10 – For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith- and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

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Biography Information:
Shelly is a 30 something year old licensed therapist with cerebral palsy who is transitioning onto a whole new path in her life. As someone who was never limited by her disability, through recent declines in her health and abilities, God is humbling her despite her stubborn resistance. She is closer to Jesus than she ever has been as He carries her with His strength, protects her with His armor, and empowers her with His Spirit.She uses her writing and speaking gifts to fulfill her ultimate purpose of bringing glory to God through her life.