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Surrendered to Love

    by Jeannie Pallett

Button Pushing
Date Posted: October 25, 2011

It seems the past few weeks that technology has gotten the better of me. Without realizing it, I had "pushed some buttons" and what I had written previously, automatically was uploaded? downloaded? into the weekly column. It somehow did not seem fair that the computer beat me to it and so now, I am getting ready to beat it!

In the getting ready, I decided to go along with the theme of button pushing, because after all, most of us have specific buttons that can be pushed. Perhaps, like me, you have found that when that button is pushed you react in a way that comes from what was previously written in your heart. I know, quite the thought isn't it? Our hearts were not inscribed, before we came to know the Lord, with the love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control of the Holy Spirit - but exactly the opposite.

2 Corinthians 3:2-3 says it the best, "You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart."

On my heart, there are verses that are written that are shaping the way I am responding to situations. For many years I have considered the verse "Christ in me the hope of glory" and wondered... as well as "In Him we live and breathe and have our being"...

Button pushing... would I react differently if I saw a picture of myself breathing? Breathing in Christ, making Him to be the very air I breathe...

Exhale...air, glory...- GLORIA- the last three letters spell AIR; the first three are the beginning of GLORY. Gloria, music to my ears, Gloria, a song of praise to the King...

Would our reactions be different if we would first choose to voice a word of praise and thanks to our King and make doing this a practise of our everyday lives?

In Him we live.

In Him, we breathe.

In Him, we have our being.

In Him, the completeness of who we really are is found. In Him we long for only Him, all soul ties are broken, all chains of bondage have loosened and been left behind. At the Cross the Blood of Jesus covers our sin and we enter into union with Him forgiven, free.

If Jesus said to me, the same words He spoke to Philip when He told him He had seen him under the fig tree, my heart would melt within me. The reality of it is, is that Jesus has seen me. He has seen all of my ugly me as I sat under my fig tree and He knew very well all my thoughts and even in His knowing, His heart was moved by such great compassion and love for me He did everything He could to make sure I came into relationship with Him.

In Him, we discover who He has made us to be; in Him, we discover the value and uniqueness of our giftings. In Him, we have a particular spot next to His heart and a specific purpose for our life.

In Him, we grow into the fullness of our calling. In Him, we rest, in Him, we labour and in Him, we become mature, deeply rooted in His Word individuals.

In Him, our purpose is made clear. In Him, we put our hand to the plough and do not look back. In Him our goal and prize is revealed.

In Him, we breathe.

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Biography Information:
Who am I ? I am a woman who has been pursued by a God who passionately loves me; a woman who is learning to surrender her heart and mind to that great Lover of my soul. I am a woman who is learning to die to self in order that I might live the abundant life that God has planned for me. He has ignited in my heart a passion for writing as I spend time in His Presence and  to share the tender heart of my God through the words He gives me. I am the author of Beckoned by the King and less of me and more of Him can be found at