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Surrendered to Love

    by Jeannie Pallett

The King's Response
Date Posted: August 7, 2011

“Come and enter into the joy and rest of the Lord. Come and enter into a land that is pleasant and peaceable. I surround you when you enter in; I am all encompassing and offer to you My pledge of protection as you live within the boundaries of the hedge I have set. The lines have fallen for you in pleasant places and within those lines I support you.

I am your portion and I will help and support you in all your decision making processes. You will learn My ways and what pleases Me line by line, precept upon precept, here a little, there a little. Maturity comes to you as you allow Me to teach you through your circumstances and through those lessons you will grow up in the knowledge of God and the grace so freely given. You will learn to live in My domain and be stayed upon Me.

As you live out your promise to Me to keep My Word so shall My grace, favor and blessing be given to you. My graciousness extended to you will far exceed your expectation. I will do exceedingly above and beyond all you can hope for or imagine and My Word shall bear fruit in your life.

It pleases Me when you give heed to your ways and make choices to set your feet to run in the path of My commands. My heart beats a little faster from the pleasure I receive from seeing you hasten to keep My commandments. There is no delay in your response for you have learned that you and I cannot bear to be parted by sin and unrepentance.

My heart aches at any separation from My Beloved and it is good when your heart longs for Me and chooses to follow hard and close to Me.

The snares of the wicked are always present but you are experiencing the mighty strength of the cords of love that have bound us to one another. I hold you by the arms and teach you how to walk in union with Me.

The words of My law are etched upon your heart, they center you and great is your peace and undisturbed composure as a result. The fruit and effect of righteousness is peace and joy and both belong to you because of your commitment and choice to love.

When you rise in the night because of your heart’s pining for Me, My Presence shall overshadow you and I will give you rest. I will speak words of life to your soul and refreshment will be yours in great measure. You will rise at the breaking of dawn and know that you have met with the Most High. I am your Companion, your Faithful Friend; I am wisdom and as you walk with Me you shall grow in wisdom. You shall accurately perceive the times and just as accurately, walk out the truth I reveal to you. It will be My Word that defines who you are.

You will walk rejoicing within the boundaries of the hedge that is there to protect you. Within the boundaries you are free. Free to love, free to discover to the fullest extent who I have made you to be. Freed to walk in the plans and purposes I have for you, freed that you might live out of the Kingdom’s treasuries.

Love for one another will be your only debt. With total confidence in My Word you shall take the Sword of the Lord and cut away all fear and doubt. I will inspire you to greatness and equip you with all things needed to fulfill what I have written in the Book of Life about each of your todays. I know what tomorrow brings; I am Eternal and see into your heart now. Today and Now are the hands that tick on My timepiece. Now, I see you strong in the Lord and the power of My might. Now, I see you aggressively pushing away those things that reach out to you to try to snare you. Now, I see you making determined, definite deliberations that will result in praise and honor to My Name. Now, I see you seeking to find Me to eat My words and drink the waters of the Spirit.

There is a River that flows from the Throne of the Most High and you are in the midst of it. It is cleansing, changing and conditioning you. Now, is the time of consecration to Me. Now, is the time to see the fullness of My loving kindness and now is the time to be taught the unfailing statutes of the Lord your God. Now, is the time to walk wisely before Me. I am your Portion, your Deliverer. I am sufficient for your times and you share in all I am and have for I have freely bequeathed it to you.”

Excerpt from "Beckoned by the King"

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Biography Information:
Who am I ? I am a woman who has been pursued by a God who passionately loves me; a woman who is learning to surrender her heart and mind to that great Lover of my soul. I am a woman who is learning to die to self in order that I might live the abundant life that God has planned for me. He has ignited in my heart a passion for writing as I spend time in His Presence and  to share the tender heart of my God through the words He gives me. I am the author of Beckoned by the King and less of me and more of Him can be found at