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The Focus

    by Dennis Wheeler

Who's your Idol?
Date Posted: May 31, 2006

O.K. ... I'll admit it. I have to confess that I am an "AMERICAN IDOL" addict!! Taylor Hicks was just crowned the 2006 American Idol on Wednesday evening. A record 63.4 million votes were cast the night before. I'm sure that his life is now a whirl-wind of interviews, television appearances, record deals, etc. His life will forever be impacted. Katherine McPhee was runner-up but I'm sure she has a promising career ahead of her. I like Taylor Hicks but I really wanted Mandesa to win. However, I enjoyed every minute of the 'American Idol' season. I would anxiously anticipate the show each week (especially the shows that portray the auditions...what a hoot!!) I would rush home from other activities so as not to miss a minute of the weekly show. I would look forward to hearing the songs and seeing the competition and hearing the judges remarks. Immediately after the show each week my wife would get on the phone and begin to call in and vote for our favorite contestants. The finale this past Wednesday evening was truly a star-studded extravaganza! Gee...I wonder if I'll experience withdrawal pain now that "American Idol" has ended?

But you know what? This morning I got to thinking...have I allowed this phenomenon to actaully become an 'idol' in my life?


Do I enjoy every minute I have with my Lord & Savior?
Do I anxiously anticipate my quiet time with Him and rush to be with Him?
Do I look forward to hearing Him speak to me through His Word?
Do I take time to let others know that He's #1 in my life?
Do I realize that my life will be eternally impacted because of His love for me?

Hey...I needed this reality check! I don't want an 'American Idol' ... I want the one and only true God! The Creator of the universe! The Most High God who is seated on the throne in heaven and is coming back again someday to take me to live with him forever and ever and ever and ever!!!! And I will spend eternity worshipping not just an 'idol'...but my Lord and my God!

"We all know that an idol is not really a god and that there is only one God and no other." - 1 Corinthians 8:4 (NLT)

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Biography Information:
Dennis Wheeler...pastor, speaker, encourager, and humorist lives with his family in beautiful east Tennessee.

He serves as the Senior Pastor with southwest Virginia church... a loving church family in Abingdon.

He and his wife Sharon have been married for over 27 years and are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters, one son-in-law, and two precious grandchildren, the second arrived arrived on the scene in September 2004!!