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The Way

    by Kevin Pauley

God's Instructions Are Perfect, 3 of 3
Date Posted: November 14, 2020

The completeness or sufficiency of the Scriptures

It rises from one end of the heavens and circles to their other end; nothing is hidden from its heat. The instruction of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the LORD is trustworthy, making the inexperienced wise. - Psalm 19:6-7 HCSB

Long ago, our ancestor Adam was warned, “You must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for on the day you eat from it, you will certainly die."[1] Adam and Eve did not fully trust the Lord’s instructions and as a result, their spirits – the only true and lasting immortal part of themselves that actually matters in the long run – died. The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord[2] and the Scriptures teach us about Him.[3]

Paul described the law as condemning, threatening and ultimately fatal – but only to those who reject its call to holiness. It is dangerous to those who fail to heed its warnings, who fail to build their lives upon its precepts.[4]

We need both the Law and Grace. They are the doctor’s warning of sickness and his health-restoring medicine. They are the policeman’s threat to the criminal and protective influence on the good citizen. Both are required. Both are needed. It’s not like God came down to Mount Sinai, gave the Law to Moses and then a couple of centuries later went “Oops! That was a goof! Let’s correct that with Grace, shall we?”

Separate from the hope of forgiveness and the Spirit of Christ, the Law is as deadly as any poisonous snake that ever bit an of the Hebrews in the wilderness.[5] However, when we recognize the threat of sin of which the Law warns, and turn to the saving figure of Christ on the cross, it revives our dying souls.[6]

The instruction of the Lord calls the wandering soul back from its straying ways, reminding us of the Lover we have left behind. It is voice of the Good Shepherd, crying out in the wilderness so that His sheep will hear Him and return from the edge of the dangerous crags of human philosophy.

The instruction of the Lord demonstrates to the soul’s wondering eyes the beauties and advantages of holiness. It says “what great nation is there that has a god near to it as the Lord our God is to us whenever we call to Him?”[7]

So, Believer, cry out loudly and don’t hold back! Raise your voice like a trumpet. Tell Hashem’s people their transgressions and their sins. Let us seek Him day after day and delight to know His ways like a nation that does what is right and does not abandon the justice of their God. Let us look to His Word for righteous judgments and delight in the nearness of our God.[8]

Let us obey His instructions so that our souls may be revived.

[1] Genesis 2:17

[2] Romans 6:23

[3] Luke 24:27,44

[4] Matthew 7:24-26; Luke 6:47-49

[5] Numbers 21:9

[6] John 3:14-15

[7] Deuteronomy 4:7

[8] Isaiah 58:1-2

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Biography Information:
I make no claim of superior wisdom or originality. I am a student, just like everyone else. My goal in writing is to simply share whatever God chooses to teach me (many times by my children or parishioners) on any given day. I hope the devotionals are a blessing to you.

Kevin Pauley is a pastor and writer. He lives in Illinois with his wife, Lynn, their five children and two dogs. His internet address is Berea.