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Voice of Inspiration

    by Andy Castro

Victory Lap
Date Posted: December 17, 2023

I could see, in my mind, an Olympian gold medal winner running his victory lap with the fiery torch.

I hear the Lord say to start running the victory lap now. Start seeing yourself as the victor in any given situation.

Romans 8:37 AMP 'Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us]. '

As you run, people will see the fire of God that you carry. A flame that cannot be quenched.

You've been in the elite training course for the God of army angels. He will not send you to battle with any hint of you failing to complete the call on your life. He sends His angel charge over you and angels will assist you at all cost with victory in mind, for victory is the end game for God in all things.

How can I see myself as the victor in dire situations, I asked. Start with believing the written Word of God.

I got this scripture. Ephesians 2:6 AMP ' And He raised us up together with Him [when we believed], and seated us with Him in the heavenly places, [because we are] in Christ Jesus, '
This got to me and touched a weak thought in me. Do I believe this, I have to ask. Do I believe I am seated with Christ in the heavenly places? Do I believe I am in Christ? What would it look like if I did believe this?

I would have a view from above.
I would see a bigger picture of God's plan. It would be like sitting in the box seats above the stadium. From there you can see the whole stadium in any direction. And you never have to look behind you to see something. It's all in front of you. Clear vision. Nothing blocking. There is a shift, and that shift is God aiming the arrow toward the goal.

He is doing His part. Are we doing ours? Can we see His vision? Can we see His purpose? Can we see His plan? If not, we need to get in our quiet place with God and ask Him to show us sitting next to Christ in the box seat so we can see the bigger picture. We need to start seeing ourselves running the victory lap carrying the fire of God representing our government.

Be inspired. Be encouraged.


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Biography Information:
Since recommitting his life to Christ in 2000, God has changed Andy in such a way, he hardly recognizes himself. Andy is a story of God's grace and mercy.

He now writes and speaks as a voice of inspiration to encourage people to 'find the call' for their life and to fulfill their God given purpose. He writes to help you in your pursuit.