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Word from Nairnshire

    by Sandy Shaw

Date Posted: September 25, 2012

Not even a man with the calling, anointing, qualities, and characteristics which David enjoyed could triumph on his own, and it was when he was low and down that his enemies attacked.

As we study his testimony we learn who was behind it all.

That demonic rascal is behind every onslaught upon those who are Christ’s, and this needs to be taught and understood.

It is not very nice to be hated, but King David was hated, and disciples of Jesus Christ have been hated and persecuted, starting immediately after He birthed and launched the Church. This is why fellowship is so vitally important.

We are unavoidably involved in spiritual warfare, and we will never triumph or overcome if we are on our own, or if we think we can do it on our own.

This complex complicated character, who revealed such vulnerability and weakness at times, is one of the great men of God.

Ah, but God does not judge and evaluate men as we judge and evaluate. Is that not comforting and encouraging!

David unfolds deep and abiding principles of how God deals with us, and Jesus explains and expands all this to His disciples.

Do we desire to experience God’s faithfulness? Then cultivate faithfulness towards God.

When we determine to be blameless, or complete, or wholehearted, and when we conceal nothing from God, and when we renounce all that displeases Him or offends Him, this determines God’s fullness, which He in turn makes available to us.

David understood all that, and he expresses it specifically, in detail, throughout the Psalms.

When there are no reservations on our side, there are none on His.

Men like Peter and Jacob and Paul soon experienced these truths, and nothing much at all has changed.

Sandy Shaw
Nairn Christian Fellowship

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Biography Information:
Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at