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Word from Nairnshire

    by Sandy Shaw

Tell Him
Date Posted: May 31, 2011

When Jesus is eight days old, it is time to circumcise Him, and Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem.

Might this occasion be unfamiliar to many, even although it is only one week after angels appeared to shepherds?

There are not many carols, or illustrations on cards, about this day. Why?

This scene is a very Jewish aspect of the birth of Jesus, but it has a meaningful message.

God had said that this should be done, and Mary and Joseph obey, without questioning.

They did what God told them to do, and Jesus received a mark, which would never be erased. Jesus sheds blood at the hands of men.

Mary and Joseph did everything that was required of them. They put God first.

It is important to make that decision, and it can be significant to tell God that He is going to be first in our lives.

The start of another year is an excellent time to tell Him.

They had to offer a sacrifice at The Temple and they chose a pair of pigeons - the sacrifice offered only by the poor.

Jesus was raised in a financially poor home. Godly, yes, but there was not a lot of money.

Later on, Jesus knows what it is to look for a lost coin, and have patches on His clothes, and He uses these experiences in His preaching and teaching. Yet, you can never outgive God.

These had been difficult days for Mary and Joseph. Perhaps they had to scrape things together to make this sacrifice.

But travelling on their way are wise men, and one of them has gold.

You can never outgive God.

God knows how to reward you, when you have obeyed and sacrificed.

Sandy Shaw
Nairn Christian Fellowship

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Biography Information:
Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at