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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

A Brief Summary Sweeping Through the Letter to the Romans
Date Posted: June 13, 2022

It is seldom easy to leave a book and no more so than Paul’s letter to the Romans. Here is a brief summary or overview.

The first four Chapters are concerned with Faith - then Chapters 5 to 8 deal with Hope - then Chapters 9,10,11, the place of Jews and Gentiles in the economy of God - then Love in 12 – and in conclusion, how we are to love one another and consider one another in practical ways.

Chapters 1to 8 – deal with the salvation which God works in – and Chapters 9 to 16 how salvation is worked out. Work out you salvation in Philippians. God works something in, and we work something out. It is a combination. We do not work for salvation - we work it out. It must start with HIM. You cannot work it out until HE has worked it in.

All of God is needed - God planned it - then Jesus Christ, the Son purchased it - the Holy Spirit works it into my heart and life today - all of and from God.

Chapters 1to 4speak about God the Father - 5,6 about God the Son – and 7,8 God, the Holy Spirit. The whole pattern of salvation unfolds before our eyes.

It is so logical, as Paul describes the salvation that is offered to us in Christ Jesus.

Although we mention Chapters – do remember that is a recent addition – there were no Chapter divisions when the New Testament was written. We would really need to know ‘our Bible’ if that was how our Bible was presented to us today.

Chapter 1verses 16,17 - like the opening crashing chords of a symphony - the power of GOD - and Paul begins by speaking about the gospel of GOD.

FOUR notes - the GOSPEL of God - the good news of God - God occurs so many times in this letter - the POWER of GOD - the RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD - the WORD OF GOD. This is what the letter is all about.

We have - The righteousness of God - redemption in Christ - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit.

If God is righteous, He must deal with SIN when meeting it. The disease is mentioned before the cure. The Justice of God's Anger - in Chapter 1 . There is nothing unfair about God when He deals with men. Men gave God up so God gave them up.

Chapter 2 - Judgement generally - who will HE judge? What will HE judge? - and it will be according to the light they have received.

Chapter 3 - You Jews think you will escape - your pride has blinded you. Sin is the disease. That is the diagnoses. Paul is devastating and logical. Nobody can say - I have always lived up to the light I received - I have always done what I knew to be right - I have shaped my life to the good that I knew. Now listen to the good news. I am going to put you right. This is what makes the Christian Life different from every other faith. I am going to give you My Righteousness. I am going to come and make you righteous.

To receive by simple faith the Righteousness of God – verses 21 - 26 .

His Righteousness revealed - His Grace given - His Perfection proved.

Chapter 4 describes FAITH. God can bring out of nothing - something! He trusted God implicitly at the age of 80.

Chapters 5,6 - the Redemption that is in Christ Jesus - to liberate - to buy something back - ransomed. You are set free from the death of sin's penalty and the dominion of sin's power - from the grip and the guilt.

Chapter 5 verses 1to 5 - The peace of faith through Christ - the patience of hope in God - the pouring of love in the Holy Spirit. What happens to one man affects his descendants. Everybody dies because of one man's sin - and because of one man's death everybody can live - one act of disobedience - one act of obedience.

Death is wages - eternal life is a gift.

Romans Chapter 6 - when Christ died - you died! Reckon yourself dead. You cannot tempt a dead man.

Chapters 7,8 belong together - they contrast the old life and the new life.

Chapter 7 is sad - a deceived soul and a divided self. Chapter 6 is not enough.

Chapter 8 gives the answer - a resurrection life - the new life of the Holy Spirit. I have a new Father and a new future. The Spirit gives me liberty. I am no longer chained. You must give a man the power of the Spirit after breaking the chains of the flesh.

Were not the Jews separated? And that takes us into Chapter 9 - the Jews - their past rejection - their present responsibility - their future restoration. Not all inside Israel will be saved and not all outside Israel will be lost. They failed to achieve righteousness - and the failed to receive Revelation. They are to be restored and brought back.

Chapter 12 – deals with the sanctification of the disciple. Present your bodies and your minds.

Fellowship with friends - forgiveness towards others.

No bad deeds - no bad debts - no bad passions or desires.

Chapters 14,15 - Our brotherhood in the church - scruples and stumbling blocks - over diet and days.

Chapter 16 - Many greetings - the many disciples - but not to those who disturb and divide a fellowship. Tertius - the secretary – Paul’s amanuensis.

Here we have the Gospel from heaven to men - that glory may return to God from men.

“Lord God Almighty, enable us to read and understand and appreciate Your holy Word, in a day when it is being rejected and criticised and spurned. Strengthen Your people. Help us to be loving and loyal and faithful. To live like that O Father, we so need the presence and power of the Holy Spirit – Holy Father, anoint us and fill us and use us wherever we go to work and serve. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.”

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at