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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Bless The People of God with The Love of The Living Christ
Date Posted: May 16, 2022

As we complete our reading of Romans Chapter 15 – remind us of how Paul’s deep concerns was for the peace and harmony and unity of this fellowship in Rome - we have read of how he pleaded with these people to keep together - to remain one in Christ - to welcome, receive and accept one another - because Jesus Christ had accepted and received them.

He wanted them to be encouraged from The Scriptures - he speaks about how praising God with one heart and voice is what God is looking for. Harmonious Praise.

Verse 13 contains words which bless us - One in Christ - hope - joy - peace - trust - overflow - power.

Paul was writing reminders - they already knew all that he has been writing. And we mentioned how Paul enjoyed his ministry - he enjoyed serving God - he enjoyed being an apostle and a slave of Jesus Christ - a note which is not often sounded.

Paul had seen people come to obey GOD - not just believe - but obey GOD - by what he had said and done - signs and miracles - through The Holy Spirit. These people were not just head believers - but they were committed from the heart - they were committed to God in their heart. Real problems faced them as real problems face us - and will face us.

Paul had fully preached the Gospel - not just parts of it - not just nice words - but things happened when he appeared on the scene. People need to see the Gospel. When he came into an area, things happened.

We read of this in the Book of Acts - riot and revival everywhere he went - and I am not sure you can have one without the other.

Signs attract people - when the power of God is moving you do have people’s attention for a while - and some come to believe.

All the philosophical theories are now out of date - but The Word of God is never out of date. Paul wanted to go where people had not heard the Gospel - he did not want to build on the work which other people had done for God.

My ambition - is to preach Gospel where nobody else has preached it. This is what motivated him and what his ambition was.

Something happened when Paul went to a place - where Jesus had never been preached - and when he told the people that the Son of God came to earth as a man - and died and rose again from the dead - The Holy Spirit moved.

He preached and founded a Church - and moved on.

Now we have something of what he would like to do in the future. He had taught these disciples to give - the new fellowships had sent money to the Jerusalem Church. If you receive a blessing from someone you make sure that you bless them in some form.

Give graciously - and receive graciously. No barriers between disciples of Jesus - spiritual - racial - or geographical.

Verse 29 . When he finally arrived in Rome he came as a prisoner. In chains. After a harrowing journey - shipwrecked off Malta - gathering wood for the fire and a snake fastened on to him. He shook off the snake - and went on to Rome as a very humble servant of The Lord Jesus. Yet, he came in the full measure of the blessing of Christ.

Paul so wanted to go to Rome. He knows that the full force of the legions of Rome could be unleashed against the disciples of Jesus at any moment.

Look at his ambition - to bless the people of God with the Love of the Living Christ.

He almost piles up his words one upon another - until this sentence verges on becoming top heavy. Every word is like a hammer blow against the powers of darkness.

He was not going to Rome with some new philosophy - but with Christ. Not with some new political theory - nor something intellectually or academically attractive - but with Christ. Paul had a passion for Christ - I decided not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ - he told the Corinthians. To me to live is Christ - he wrote to the Philippians.

If ever a time should come when this is no longer our central theme, then that Church will be finished.

The early Church had a strange name for Jesus - the Alpha and Omega - the A to Z - which means that Jesus is simply everything. With all the potential problems in Rome - Paul is convinced that they can all be met in Jesus Christ. And after 19 centuries there is nothing better to offer to the world - and Jesus is NOT irrelevant.

And Paul plans to come with the Gospel of Christ. The Good News - not views - on brotherhood - or on how to get on - or on politics - but Good News that our sins are forgiven through JESUS - crucified and risen and ascended - and Jew can love Gentile - and Gentile can love Jew. Forgiveness means this - the complete and perfect healing of a relationship that seemed irretrievably spoiled and damaged and ruined.

And those who are strong and robust and mature in their faith can care for those who are weak and frail and shaky.

And he wants to come with THIS BLESSING - that which gives light and love and peace and joy and courage and serenity and boldness.

And THE FULNESS - not just a few drops - a few dribbling blessings - but the fullness of GOD.

Imagine having Paul walking into that Roman Fellowship - and the love of Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit surging through him - ‘this is the man who wrote that letter’.

Verse 30 . He draws this section to a close by asking these believers in Rome to pray for him. “In my struggle”. We can identify with that - it was a joy AND a struggle. It is the word used for a contest in The Olympic Games. To agonise - to go through a conflict. He mentions ‘wrestle’ in the Ephesian letter.

Remember - that he was subject to mob violence - and he so needed people to pray for him. Never give up praying - wrestle against that power which seeks to destroy men in the ministry and men with a ministry.

Joy and togetherness and refreshing - are in his final words in this section. And he prays that “the God of peace be with you all”.

“Loving gracious heavenly Father – thank You for this letter – for this precious document – for the way in which the Bible has been guarded and protected and preserved down through the centuries. As we read the Bible help us to be fed and nourished and strengthened day by day. Thank You for those who have passed on the Bible – enable us to pass on the Bible to those who come after us. Enable us to share something of its light and love and forgiveness and encouragement with those we meet – in Jesus Name.” Amen.

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at