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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Do Not Miss the Best - Always Seek to Give the Best
Date Posted: May 8, 2023

In Philippians Chapter 1at verse 8 , Paul reveals something of his pastor’s heart.

Verse 8 – I feel homesick for you – I carry you in my heart – I yearn for you. What an extraordinary sentence and expression. Heart and lungs and kidneys are the organs that respond when you are emotional. Paul is so unafraid to reveal his real deep gut feelings. Christ had taken over all these parts. It is rather wonderful.

Verse 8 – You have to be sure of yourself to say that. Paul prays from the past, through the present, and into the future – we thank you – be with us – now lead us.

He began that good work – now you go on – Jesus will complete it – but how can I help? God does not half-finish a job.

I am praying for you and this is how I am praying – that you may press on to new things – that love will abound more and more – in knowledge and discernment.

Love must grow some knowledge and discernment – love is not ignorant or blind. Real love recognises the highest and the best. That is why the love of Christ should be making us men of integrity, honour, wisdom and judgment.

A Youth Fellowship can be good – Boys’ Brigade was good – but we do not want to stay at that level of spirituality all our lives.

There is better – go for the best – do not miss the best that Jesus has for you.

Verse 9 – We see Paul praying for these Christians at Philippi. I pray that your love may abound more and more – and in two specific ways – in knowledge and discernment. Love must deepen and this how I am praying that it will deepen. I do not want your love to be ignorant or blind. Acquire knowledge and recognise what is best.

Our faith should be growing in such a way that we are becoming men and women of integrity, honour, wisdom, and sound judgment.

Now, that is a big call – that is a big demand – that is an immense challenge. If we are going to love as Jesus commands us to love, it is important to be committed to a fellowship where people around us will come to know all about us and we will come to know all about them.

It is easy to talk about love and sing about love, but it is a very hard thing to be loyal as Jesus Christ was loyal. As we love we have to choose what is best.

This is a gradual growth – good, better, best – as we move on in Christ and as we progress. That is when maturity begins to show – as your love gets knowledge – as your love makes discerning choices – you will have a desire for the best. Do not miss the best.

It is sad to hear someone say – I have had a good life, but I have missed the best.

Paul is praying – that you may be pure and blameless – like ‘see through saints’.

Pure – you see a garment in a shop, and you ask if you can take it outside to see its real colour. Show me your real colours! That is what he is meaning.

Blameless – that we have not fallen morally or stumbled, and that we have not cause someone else to fall or stumble. Paul is also praying that we will produce the fruits of righteousness – persistence – continuance – growth – development – the fruit of the Holy Spirit – one fruit of nine segments.

Love must grow some tangible fruit. Our life speaks – and we must make sure it has something worth saying – make sure it has something to say. Make sure your life gives praise and glory to God. Everything is for the glory of God.

Note the word that is repeated through these verses – Christ, Christ, Christ.

“Loving Father, help us to keep looking unto Jesus – to keep focusing our eyes on Jesus our Saviour and Lord. Gracious God, we long to produce fruit – all our days – as long as we live and serve – our love growing and deepening in every way – so help us this and every day – we pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen”

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at