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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Help Us to Worship You in a Worthy Way - For You Are Worthy
Date Posted: February 13, 2023

We come to Psalm 96. The Psalm are packed with exhortations to praise God in song. "Sing to the Lord a new song." This is probably not one of our most favourite phrases - nor is it the most popular theme. You do not hear this mentioned frequently.

But - it is a command - "Sing to the Lord a new song". God does not want our praise to become old and stale - like some old piece of dry bread. We have that privilege of living in a time when there are many new songs to sing - and some of them are good songs - and some of them may last the test of time - while others may only last for a short season - but will have served the purpose of enabling the People of God - in the Name of Jesus - to Praise and Worship.

But also - the old songs are not good enough – and the songs we sang in the world - they are so meaningless - so empty.

What makes a song a good song? There will be various answers - but it has to be singable. It was in April 1996, when travelling to Aberdeen with Marcus Thomas who was then in Tain, that he said - "One of the problems I have with some of the new songs is that you almost have to have the ability of an operatic singer to sing them."

When you consider the songs which have lasted - normally, they have had good content - with sound solid words - a comparatively simple melody and tune - all combining to enable us to praise and worship our living God. The Psalmist does encourage the People of God to sing a new song.

The setting here is - deliverance from captivity - so a new song was needed to express Praise to God - for the way He had delivered His People.

In Ephesians we are taught to sing Psalm and hymns and spiritual songs. And we are taught how to sing them - be filled with the Spirit. And O how singing can transform a service - when people are praising the whole setting can change.

In another Psalm we read that God inhabits the praises of His People. As we sing songs of praise, we open ourselves to God - we open ourselves to the Holy Spirit - and we can more easily receive what He has to impart and give and teach and reveal.

Remember the hands - with palms upward - offering to God - open and eager to give to God - and ready to receive from God.

Praise - of the kind which is acceptable and pleasing to God - comes from a heart supernaturally filled with the Holy Spirit. This is the indispensable pre-requisite - and there can flow out of us that spontaneous response to a fresh revelation of the Holy Spirit or some other kind of blessing from the living God.

Our worship should be as fresh as God's unfolding revelation of Himself - and it could be said that it will be! As God revels Himself and inspires His People the worship will be fresh - and every old song will sound like a new song - as our songs of worship are anointed with His Grace.

A well-known song can be sung in a new fresh way - as it becomes a NEW SONG - not just another new song.

When I had to sing the Psalm 23fairly frequently - I always aimed to sing that anointed song as though I were singing it for the very first time, or for the very last time.

Sing to the Lord all the earth - a Jew invites Gentiles to sing to the Lord God Almighty. It is almost a vision of the day when national jealousies and divisions and rivalries are dead. This Psalm has this note of prophetic insight. Do you think the Psalmist is trying to get some message over to the People of God in these verses?

Sing - and sing in such a way as His Name will be praised. And PROCLAIM - publish abroad His wonderful Name.

v.3 . Declare - again there is this note of evangelism - tell people the good news.

v.4 . He is great and worthy - He is worth praising - AND!! - He is to be feared.

This is a theme missing in much preaching today. He is to be revered - held in awe - approached with respect.

Honour - Majesty - Strength - Beauty.

v.5 . All the other gods are idols - but the Lord made the heavens. He is the Creator.

v.6 . The Psalmist is almost lost for adequate words here. And we too can be almost lost for words at times - and that is why Jesus poured out the Holy Spirit and has given us that supernatural ability to speak in tongues - to praise and pray in a language we have never learned.

If you have ever down times - times of doubt - times when little negative questions enter your mind - pray in tongues and allow the Holy Spirit to do His Sovereign Work within you and through you.

v.7 . Give to Him - give generously - bring an offering and come into His Courts - enter His Sacred precincts. The Universal Mission of the People of God - called to Praise and Testify and Witness that we belong to God.

v.9 . Worship - and TREMBLE - again not a theme frequently heard today. These are the most profound words - and yet read so simple. There is no greater beauty - and that is why we must be careful that we do not come before Him carelessly - slovenly - casually. Proper attire - holy array. There is almost a reminder here to be reverent - sincere - earnest - pure in heart - in praise and prayers.

It is a difficult line - when are we too casual - and at what point does it become a fashion parade?

When the Book of Revelation was being given to John - imprisoned on the isle of Patmos - the sight of Jesus Christ the King caused him no alarm - yet, it made him fall at Jesus feet as though dead.

10 . Say - speak - share - testify. Here we have 'proclaim' in slightly different form - but it means the same. "Yahweh is King". And - we are told what to say - we are taught to speak about Jesus Christ as King - in a day when people do not like authority - and they do not appreciate that the Word of Jesus Christ is final.

Society is secure when God is King. A settled government under Jesus Christ is essential to national prosperity. The reign and rule of the God of truth will promote righteousness to the highest degree.

v.13 . And GOD is Judge. When He does so, He judges fairly and righteously - impartially and with integrity.

We hear so much about blatant corruption today. When Jesus Christ returns, there will be absolutely no corruption whatsoever - rather He will deal with the corrupt and the wicked - no matter how they might have tried to hide it - or suppress or conceal it.

In the midst of all this judgement - v.11 - so let Creation respond - the heavens - the earth - the sea - the fields - the trees - they will sing before the Lord. It is like an orchestra awaiting the conductor's baton to give that signal to sing.

Here is the Psalmist returning to the importance of singing - and he does not say of the trees - 'Let them' - they will!! Further prophetic insight.

Everything is waiting for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to restore what was lost at The Fall. If you are part of the New Creation you will be singing too - before the Lord - because He comes to JUDGE - and HE will judge.

Look at Isaiah 55 verse 12 and Romans 8 verses 19,20 . Man, by his rebellion against God the Creator - brought corruption and decay upon the whole world around him - again, not a very popular teaching in these days - but nevertheless it is true - and sometimes we lose sight of the truth that one day all that was lost will be restored. Even the natural world awaits this with a sense of hushed anticipation - on tiptoe.

God will do it - properly - impartially - with purity and righteousness and integrity - qualities which have quickly disappeared from our society.

Creation will break forth into a symphony of praise and rejoicing and celebration. Then - there will really be a new song. Are we as eager – when we worship - as nature is - for Jesus Christ's return?

“Loving caring concerned compassionate heavenly Father – help us to worship You, for You are worthy – fill us with Your Holy Spirit as we sing and praise. Release us under Your sovereign control that we might be free and reverent in Your Holy Presence. Hear us we bow with thanksgiving for such riches – in Jesus’ name.” Amen.

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at