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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Life's Most Indispensable Possession
Date Posted: November 9, 2020

He was in a spiritually dangerous situation and it was not the government’s fault – he was the government.

King David loved God – was chosen by God – and anointed for his life's work. Something went terribly wrong. Sin exploded.

King David had coveted Uriah’s the soldier’s wife, Bathsheba - got her, and lay with her – and when she became pregnant, he had her husband killed.

This is the behaviour of a man of God.

God sent a prophet who pointed all this out. 2 Samuel 11,12.

What a task – challenging the king! Was Nathan trembling?

David broke. He realised his whole world could fall apart – but David knew how to surrender. That can save a lot of pain.

Psalm 51 verse 1 - “Have mercy on me O God” - what a cry for help.

This was sin - planned - plotted - and deliberate.

“Transgression” means to go beyond the limit.

“Iniquity” means wanting to do what you want to do when you want to do it, and not wanting to obey the rules – or commandments.

“Sin” means to fail - to omit - to miss the mark. David had aimed at the target of glorifying God and his arrow had fallen far short. David is guilty. His guile had made him guilty and he had tried to cover up his guilt.

“Loving-kindness” – “unfailing love” is HESED. It almost defies translation - God's faithful stubborn steadfast covenant LOVE. "I am going to love you no matter what - if anyone breaks this covenant it won't be ME!"

"God - I need You to stick with me - I blew it - don't break with me - don't leave me now - I need You to be stubborn, steadfast and faithful."

David is pleading for mercy – he needs forgiveness and his sin blotted out - washed - cleansed - cleaned up.

Verse 5 - I see something - a revelation of his sin - the terrible situation David was in - because of the terrible things he had done! God's man. And - he saw he was a sinner before he was born.

Verse 6 – You want truth - away deep down.

Sin is not basically physical - it is spiritual. Jesus made that clear - it is what is going on in your heart - in your thoughts – and thinking.

Outwardly everyone wants to be forgiven - but that is not where the trouble lies - and that is why GOD has to plough us at times - to reach the root.

Verse 7 – Purge me with hyssop - a bitter herb - if You have something bitter for me, I am ready!

Make me clean – but do a real job on me. Do whatever you have to do. David is after JOY and GLADNESS.

Heal my crushed bones - make me whole.

Verse 10 – I realise that what went wrong began in my heart - go there and put things right - CREATOR GOD. That is how serious it was. And RENEW.

Cleanse - wash - heal - renew - David knew what was required and he saw what God was after - but if sin could go this deep - so could truth.

He wanted cleansing and truth to be this deep!

Verse 11 - David does not want to be cast away - like Saul, his predecessor.

He does NOT want to lose the presence of the Lord - he did not want the Holy Dove to fly away. Do not take your Holy Spirit from me.

Over 50 years ago I heard a message preached where its recurring theme was, “Take not Thy Holy Spirit from me – Life’s Most Indispensible Possession”

That was before I knew very much about the Holy Spirit – but He knew me.

The Holy Spirit is extremely sensitive - very tender - in as much as He will not rest upon SIN.

He will not remain where there is deliberate transgression and iniquity.

Verse 12 – David, the sweet singer of Israel, wanted to pick up his harp and play and sing. Imagine picking up your harp – your guitar – opening your mouth - and no anointing. He is aware he could lose the anointing of God.

Restore means - to put back in its right place and in the right condition.

It is NOT ENOUGH to be forgiven - something had to be restored.

II Samuel Chapter 23 indicates how effective was the restoration.

For each of us, all that is available in Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord.

“O God, our loving gracious Heavenly Father, have mercy upon us – as individuals – and as a nation. Blot out our transgressions – wash away our iniquities through the precious blood of Jesus shed for us on Calvary’s Cross – cleanse us from our sin. Thank You for these ‘big words’ – we need each one. We need to know we are truly forgiven – and so we repent – we confess what we need to confess. Father, reassure us, that You will never take Your Holy Spirit from us. Create in us a pure heart – enable us to keep it pure – renew and restore - grant us that willing spirit which sustains us – enabling us to sing praise – in Jesus name.” Amen

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at