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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

Risen, Living, Loving Lord Jesus - Hear us - Keep us - Strengthen us
Date Posted: February 1, 2021

Consider for a moment, that interim period between John Chapter 19 and John Chapter 20 – where it would appear man is in the darkness without Christ. There is confusion and bewilderment and fear – for three days and three nights.

Man no longer needs to remain in the dark without Christ – but this broken warring world is living on the wrong side of the resurrection and it is our task to tell the world that there are answers, to all the pain and suffering and sadness and tragedy.

The world would not listen to the apostles. The world would not even listen to Jesus, and it is not likely to listen to us, but it remains our task to preach and proclaim and share the Good News of Jesus Christ.

The disciples were groping in the darkness between the cross and the resurrection and that is where the world is today – groping in the dark.

People are so helpless now – just as they were then – as sin and evil tower over people and cause tragedy after tragedy. Many feel utterly hopeless and inadequate in the face of the grim facts of sin, and chaos, and man’s inhumanity to man.

Men continue to search pathetically for some man-made humanistic solution to the various increasingly serious problems, and men are struggling in the morass of fear and confusion.

Our task is to point them to Jesus Christ, even when they do not want to be pointed to Jesus Christ.

Through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, God has spoken, and has spoken His final Word.

Forgiveness and righteousness and peace and joy and liberty and healing are available.

These eleven broken, disappointed, defeated men transformed this world, when they were anointed and equipped by the ascended Christ.

Down through these past two thousand years, transformed and equipped men and women have taken this message to the world. You cannot explain this on natural or psychological grounds.

The needs of this broken warring world have not changed.

We are so aware of that just now as we hear the news of Covid-19 ravaging lives and businesses and hopes and dreams and futures - and God’s answer and solution has not changed, and it is the resurrected and risen Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, all so greatly needed as much today as it was then.

That withdrawn group became the nucleus of the greatest society this earth has ever seen – the Body of Christ – the Church of the Living God.

These trembling followers came from this lowest despair to become men with such courage and confidence and assurance that was remarkable because it was supernatural – it came from God.

This is the Lord’s doing and it is wondrous in our eyes. Psalm 118 verse 23 .

Sense something of the scene in that Upper Room between Calvary and Resurrection day. Look at their faces. Imagine their conversations – if they spoke much at all? What was going through their mangled minds? The emotions must have been near to exploding when we consider the depths of their despair!

They have been where many are today, and the only answer is the risen Christ.

They had had three years of being with Jesus Christ, and within a week their world was crumpled and shattered, and as far as they knew destroyed.

“The healings – that supernatural feeding – the miracles we saw – these wonderful parables – have all gone – as have our businesses.”

Matthew remembers the day when Jesus called him three years ago. ‘It seems like yesterday – he came and took me from that work as a tax collector – I hated that job – fleecing people – it made me feel unclean. He made me feel clean!’

Simon the Zealot thinks he should have stayed with his nationalist political band. He feels disillusioned – perhaps Judas was right to betray Him – did He not betray us with His notion of the Kingdom of Israel and the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven?

John tells Simon to hold his tongue. Don’t say a thing like that. We are low enough without entertaining bitterness. Imagine what was going on in that Upper Room.

Then John sobs, “Jesus how can I live without you? The world for me is now wrecked, and I am weary, and I will be empty for the reminder of my earthly life.” Such dejection and despair!

There will be those in 2021who sob similar thoughts!

Then there is shame. They had lost their nerve. They had run away. They had forsaken Him, after all He had said in this room a couple of nights ago! Only a few women had remained faithful to the painful excruciating end out at Golgotha.

They were deserters, every man of them, and they knew it. Peter recalls how he had said that Jesus could count on him! If even one of us had stood by Him and with Him – if only one of us had had the courage to stand with Him in His loneliness!

You are Peter – the rock – some rock! Thou art the Christ!

Despair and shame and fear are there. Look at what John writes.

‘If you two are going out to look, lock that door!’ There was nervous tension in that room. Feelings were strained. Make sure you wear your face coverings!

Is this not the condition of our world today – in varying degrees?

They would never again hear His reassuring voice – or see the way He allowed the children to clamber over Him – or see that brave fearless hand touch lepers – or feed hungry people – or come walking on the raging waters of life – nor see demons cast out of tormented men.

He was dead. We were not even there for the burial!

This room is like a microcosm of today’s world! People are living on the wrong side of the resurrection, and we see the raw material of tragedy.

Ethics and morals are so confused today. John Bunyan knew what he was about when on the first page of his book he pictured humanity by the symbol of a man with a great burden on his back and on his lips a lamentable cry, “What shall I do?”

Human wisdom is bankrupt. Romans Chapter 7 speaks all about that.

In that Upper Room we see shame. I am not sure if we see so much of that today. It was within the rules! Man’s unregenerate heart is the root of all his trouble, just as much as it was when Paul wrote Romans.

In John, we read openly of the fear. Will it be our turn next? Their security was lying in a stone tomb two miles away - dead! – so they thought.

For many Jesus Christ is a historic memory – something that is mentioned in December and around March/April time of year. He is there for emergencies – perhaps – and then we can put him away again. Of course, you cannot do that.

He has been kept – as the greatest leader we have ever seen – the finest teacher who has ever taught – the noblest example who pointed out the highest standards for living – but He has been lost as God incarnate. He has been lost as God invading history – offering mankind a different Kingdom!

He has been forsaken today – yes, by much of the visible church – and just as He was then by His disciples! BUT, BUT - He came to them – risen from the dead.

He has come to us, and many are praying that He will come again and pour out His Holy Spirit in a new way.

God has spoken, and He has spoken to us at various times during our lives, and we are praying that He will speak, move, and arise again.

After Pentecost I never read of any of these emotions which we witness in the Upper Room as they await the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

Hope – courage – light – forgiveness – fellowship – the assurance of eternal life.

The risen Christ came and appeared to them and breathed upon them.

God with us – Immanuel – God with us – for ever!

“Loving and living Jesus – be with us each of us – be with each one reading this piece – you know where we are – and how we are – and why we are as we are. Risen Christ – strengthen us. Whatever may be facing us give us the encouragement and ability to overcome. Deepen our faith. May we know we are living on the right side of the Resurrection – Holy Spirit, keep us there – and use us wherever you call us to serve in this dark bewildered troubled world – so help us, Lord Jesus. Amen”

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Mangled Mind-Psalms 91:15

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at