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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

That Significant Moment When Isaiah Is Called of God
Date Posted: July 1, 2019

Having Looked at certain passages in the prophecy of Isaiah perhaps we need to ask – Who is this Isaiah and how did he get into this prophetic preaching – the answer is given us in Isaiah Chapter 6

We read in Isaiah Chapter 6 – the details of the way in which Isaiah was called to be a prophet of God. This is his testimony.

In Paul's testimony to how he met Jesus Christ - we see how clear it was. Paul explained what happened – and with such detail.

So did Isaiah. Isaiah went into the Temple, at a very specific and important time.

One era had come to an end. One era had ended. A golden age was over – circumstances changed.

Uzziah had been a good king - but something went wrong.

2 Chronicles 26 verses 1 to 5 give us the details.

As long as Uzziah sought the Lord, God made him prosper.

Uzziah knew all kinds of success - verses 6 to 15 - and in verse 16, we read of what went wrong. One day King Uzziah went into the Temple and tried to function as a priest.

King Uzziah tried to show the priests how to do their holy work - how to conduct worship - and how to run the church of the day.

He was dreadfully wrong in attempting to do this - and they told him - and rather than listen to the priests - Uzziah became angry with the priests - verse 19 - and as he was being angry with the priests - at that very moment, he suddenly developed leprosy - and for the remainder of his day he was a leper.

The fallen diseased king dies a leper and Isaiah has this vision of earth's unstable throne.

All King Uzziah did was try to become a priest - and he became a leper. He moved out of the area of his calling.

God has set limitations around us, and woe betide us if we foolishly think we can go beyond our calling in Christ Jesus.

Many people know the first part of Isaiah Chapter 6 – but not the second half!

But our gracious God had called Isaiah - and Isaiah goes into the Temple in Jerusalem. And - Isaiah sees and knows that God is still on the throne.

Isaiah is aware that earth’s throne is empty and vacant – but that heaven’s throne is occupied and filled by Almighty GOD.

When Paul was going through times of serious and severe difficulty, he knew that Jesus Christ had chosen him and called him.

This lay at the heart of the life and ministry of Isaiah - and lies at the very heart of men like Paul and Peter.

They knew God had spoken to them - chosen them - and called them.

A man can speak boldly and courageously when he knows that the call of God is upon his life.

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and for ever – and the risen living Christ is still in the business of calling people to serve him in this needy world.

Almighty God – over the years You have raised up men and women to preach and proclaim Your word – and to serve in the Church of Jesus Christ – we thank you and we trust You to continue to raise up faithful servants until that day when Jesus Christ the Saviour, Lord and King returns. Amen”

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at