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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

The End Of Something Leads To The Start of Something New
Date Posted: April 18, 2022

Turn to John Chapter 21. This is a lesson I have had to learn again over these past months. You cannot turn the clock back, but sometimes even disciples of Jesus Christ try to turn the clock back – or just want to turn the clock back.

Did these disciples of Jesus yearn to turn the clock back some three years?

The world refers to the good old days, but they were not always that good, and the Bible warns us about thinking that days gone by were better.

These men had met Jesus Christ risen from the dead. Jesus had given them peace. Jesus had breathed new life into them, having appeared on more than one occasion. You would have thought that would have answered all their questions and doubts and dealt with all their fears and problems.

And yet, they went back home.

Do we not all experience low or ‘flat’ seasons? We go up and down, but we can find Jesus Christ is with us in the ‘downs’ as well as in the ‘ups’. Seven disciples go on this fishing trip, only to rediscover God’s purpose for their lives. This is not just a story of something that happened to these seven disciples in the past. We can see ourselves in this scenario.

To begin with, they are struggling, and the Bible does not try to hide or conceal this. We likewise struggle.

They felt the pull of the old world - familiar surroundings, smells and securities, which would give them a degree of safety and reassurance after all they had been through.

Peter feels the pull of the old way of life. "I'm going back out in the boat. I'm going fishing." They catch nothing, and through the morning mist, which is common of the Lake of Galilee, they see a figure. It is the risen Jesus who has come to rescue his called men from disaster.

Leaders lead positively or negatively – for good or for ill. These seven disciples were out all night fishing, and they had nothing to show for it. Fishing had been something they had been good at – they would feel fairly confident at fishing, but they became so absorbed in the fishing that they almost forgot about Jesus Christ - risen from the dead – and He appears on the Galilean shore.

Jesus calls to them - "Lads - boys - have you caught anything?" Jesus knew there was nothing in that boat - except disappointed men.

What a challenge for every disciple. This was a scene of complete failure. Jesus gave them advice, and they took it. They cast their net the other way. With just one cast of the net, they catch 153fish.

Something was beginning to happen, and it was John who saw it first. John saw something unusual and amazing and wonderful and supernatural about this – all night – nothing – then suddenly 153.

They could not even do the thing they were good at in the past. God’s purpose is always in the future. Peter’s purpose was not in the past but in the future.

Failure and discouragement does not mean that God has written you off. This happened previously but there is one detail of difference - the first time the net broke. This time the net does not break.

The secret of success is not trying harder. We do not give up, or work harder, but trust Him. These men are brought from darkness and failure to this dawn of fruitfulness.

Going through this process can be terrible - but it is necessary - it is part of the training. It can be a difficult journey – this is never an easy lesson to learn. Peter puts on some clothes - as if wanting to appear decent before Jesus.

This was the third time Jesus had appeared to these men. Yes, He still wants THEM. The solution is not where we are, but to whom we are listening.

They have been denying - running away - slow to believe - and even slower to obey. Jesus had spoken reassuring words of peace to these disciples - breathed new life into them - pointed them to the written word. Now He indicates that HE still wants them. They sail in towards the shore - and Jesus has got a fire going - and He is cooking breakfast for them.

Jesus knew they were hungry and weary. These men were to learn that Jesus could be with them wherever they were. Jesus wanted to be with His friends.

Where did HE get the fish? Where did HE get the bread? How did HE light the fire? I don't know - but I know this - Jesus Christ had had supper with these men in the upper room and that was the end of something. Now HE is having breakfast with them and that is the start of something new.

"Come and eat. Let ME feed you. Let ME give to you. Eat and be strengthened."

Jesus realised these disciples were still a bit confused - disappointed - in turmoil - "Come - take from My Hands." Yes, Peter, I will use you - I have no other plans but you men." Jesus went to the cross alone - so that He can come close to us when we feel so alone.

Just as they are about to go back to the fishing - back to the old ways - feeling the pull of their old ways to which they have not yet died - Jesus Christ came to rescue these men from what might have been absolute and total disaster.

There can be times when our nets look so empty - our hopes may be dashed.

We may not be where we thought we were going to be at this stage in life.

Our sense of letting Jesus down may make us want to jump in the water, wishing the water would go over our heads - such awareness of failure can be this overwhelming.

The risen Jesus comes lovingly - looking at us - watching us tenderly - keeping His distance to begin with - so as not to frighten us. Then HE says - "Eat - go on, eat - drink - take what I give you."

Verses 15 to 17 – This is what Jesus wants Peter to do.

1 - Feed my lambs and feed my sheep . Peter had to make loving Jesus Christ a priority. It begins with love for Jesus.

2 – Take to heart Christ’s forgiveness for all our sins. Three times Peter denied Jesus – three times Jesus gives Peter the opportunity to declare His love – His commitment to the cause.

3 – Believe that you can make a difference in someone else’s life . Without a shepherd people can be lost. People need a shepherd so that they can be rescued and saved – so that they may prosper in the Kingdom of God.

Verses 18 to 22 - “Follow me.” – And Peter sees John and wonders about John. Don’t be overly concerned about him – Follow me! Focus on Jesus.

Peter’s problems always came when he took his eyes off Jesus - Peter got his eyes off Jesus when walking on the water and onto his circumstances – Peter got his eyes off Jesus and on his ‘success’ and he heard Jesus say – get behind me Satan.

Peter got his focus off Jesus and onto his fears when in the courtyard and denied Jesus three times. Peter got his eyes off Jesus here and onto another disciple and had to be told “Follow ME”.

Jesus did not write off Peter – as we see in ACTS and his two letters – and If Jesus Christ has chosen you and called you, Jesus will not write off you either.

“Lord our God – our faithful heavenly Father – thank You for that love and faithfulness as we serve throughout our lives – sometimes with faults and failings and stumbles. Thank You that we have Jesus to shepherd us and care for us – to lead and protect us – and the power of the Holy Spirit to give us courage and strength. We thank you for every good and perfect gift which You provide – we thank and praise and worship You – in Jesus Name. Amen.”

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at