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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

The Whole Work Of God Is In This Boat In the Middle Of A Violent Storm
Date Posted: March 10, 2008

In Luke Chapter 8 at verse 22, we read of Jesus Christ and His disciples sailing across the lake, and Jesus, the Son of God falls asleep in the boat. Jesus is tired. He has been preaching and teaching and answering questions. He is physically exhausted - worn out - drained - and in need of a rest. He is human. He is a Man. This is all He needs - rest. So often a good rest - a good sleep - is all we may need. What an amazing glimpse of the humanity of the Son of God.

As Jesus lies there asleep, a storm arises, and the boat is being thrown around, and there is a very real possibility of their boat sinking! (We saw a storm on the Lake, about 4 or 5 o’clock in the morning, from our room in the beautiful Ron beach Hotel situated by the shore of the Galilee at Tiberius. Where we had been swimming a few hours previously was now like a boiling cauldron. Cool air drifts through one of the valleys and falls onto the warm water, which suddenly becomes very rough. It was like putting your hand into a basin of water and chucking the water up and down. It is noisy, and almost frightening, and boats can be swamped or dashed against the rocks.)

This is the situation these disciples are in, and JESUS is asleep. Water would be coming into the boat. These experienced fishermen knew the danger they were in. This is a crisis. The whole future of the work of God was lying in this little fishing boat - ASLEEP!

Master and men - Lord and disciples - if all that could be wiped out now, what a victory for the enemy! Apply that to what Jesus is saying to us in these present days, when we can so easily think that all is going to be lost. No - that will never happen.

Why can we be so absolutely certain? Because it says so in the Word!

The disciples wake Jesus and tell Him of the danger. If only they realised the real danger they were in - much more serious than a band of men drowning. The enemy was attempting to destroy. He does this - discourage - depress - demoralise – putting our lives in danger, seeking to destroy!

Remember what had been happening. The Kingdom was appearing, and there was a clash of kingdoms - a conflict - and that can happen today too. Different values - priorities - clash and conflict. We saw that in the sowing of the seed - pressures from family and other demands and priorities. The kingdom of darkness clashes with the kingdom of light. Now that is violent and can involve violence. One kingdom has to win - to gain victory - one kingdom has to overcome the other. One kingdom has to give way!

We face this type of thing today. Things come into our lives - situations arise - we feel demoralised - discouraged - we can even think that within the hour we might be destroyed.

At such times stay with JESUS in the boat - in the Book - in the boat and in the Book. You remain SAFE - maybe a little insecure with questions - but nevertheless SAFE!

Jesus, realising fully what was happening - rebuked the wind and the raging water, and these powerful forces obeyed the even more powerful voice of the Creator, and a CALM descended upon the situation.

Jesus has not promised us a smooth voyage, but He does promise to be with us.

He then asks His disciples, "Where is your faith?" And sometimes, we too need to be asked that, especially if we are demoralised or in danger.

These 12 men get another glimpse into the character and power and authority and control of this mighty Lord, Who can even command the winds and the waters.

This is the One who had called them. This is the same One Who has called us.

On they go to complete their journey across the lake. No wonder the devil did not want Jesus and His men to sail safely across the Lake on this occasion.

What a sight greeted Jesus and these disciples. A man came to Him - naked – demonised - controlled by evil spirits - demons - and Jesus deals with this.

No wonder there was a storm on the Lake. When storms arise it can be helpful to ask why. Why at this time? What is the reason for this? Why has this situation suddenly erupted and where has this conflict come from so quickly. It can be wise to take time to ask God these things in prayer. There is usually an answer. There is invariably a spiritual reason for the suddenness of the circumstances. Ask Him. He is not asleep now but risen and reigning.

"Bible verse and quote" from Jan Couns

Bible and Quote - April 8-12

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at