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Word from Scotland

    by Sandy Shaw

"Unfair! Unfair!" - We too may Experience Injustice
Date Posted: January 8, 2007

We have swept through Acts 24 quite quickly to get the gist of what was happening to Paul in Caesarea - to sense something of the movement - and activity - and atmosphere - and the attitudes of various people. Let's take time to review what happened, remembering that recapitulation is an essential part of teaching. Paul the servant of the Lord Jesus Christ had been placed on trial yet again, this time in Caesarea. Tertullus is the Prosecuting Counsel - Governor Felix is the judge.

Prisoner Paul is in the dock - falsely accused - and Felix the judge knows it. Paul speaks about important subjects when he is invited to reply. He keeps to the facts, and explains how each of these accusations is false.

Verse 14. Paul was a worshipper - yes, he belongs to the Way - which these Pharisees regarded as a sect. But Paul agrees with everything which is written in The Word of God and Paul does go on to say - verse 21 - that if I am brought here today because I spoke about the resurrection of Jesus Christ, then that is true.

Things just become a bit close for Felix. Fear creeps in. He becomes uncomfortable, and his decision is to delay, and as far as we know he never came to believe in Jesus Christ - a man who was that close - that near.

There are three men in this Chapter - very prominent - each important - and each very different. There is Tertullus, the confident lawyer, with an obviously successful career - but a man with a dead conscience, who is openly falsely accusing a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ. One day he will be on trial before the Throne of God. We must never be deceived nor envious of those who appear to have successful careers.

Then there is Felix - a man with a very troubled conscience - a people pleaser - wondering what those around him thought of him. He was in a high position - but such a weak man - being moulded by the opinions of others. He wanted to hear Paul time and time again - but looking for a bribe, and he was so near to the door of the Kingdom of God but turned around and walked away from that door - shutting his ears and heart and mind to Jesus Christ.

And there is Paul - verse 16 - able to stand before God and men with a clear conscience. Able to present his case factually and calmly, and unafraid to speak the truth. Paul was Father-pleaser. He had experienced the forgiving love of the Lord Jesus Christ. He had been Born Again. He belonged to a different kingdom - the kingdom of light. He has different standards - values - goals - and he knows he has to be a witness to Jesus Christ in Rome. Although he is in prison, he has strength and hope for the future.

Jesus had given him a word. Paul knew that not only does Jesus Christ deal with our yesterdays, but He guides our todays, and promises to lead us to-morrow, and we can trust Him to do all that.

As we move into chapter 25, we become very much aware, not only of the legal trial, but of the trial he has to endure, of every imaginable nature. He is left in a hot humid steamy Caesarean prison for 2 years. This should not have happened. He should have been released - set free. "Unfair! Unfair! You may cry". That can be part of our experience of following Jesus Christ and carrying the Cross. Suffering can take various forms, and may not always be so obvious as hanging from a tree. How do you react and respond - or how will you react and respond - when suffering for your faith in Jesus Christ becomes a real issue in your spiritual experience?

"Refreshment in Refuge" from Gina Burgess

What's to be thankful for in this?

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Biography Information:

Alexander 'Sandy' Shaw is pastor of Nairn Christian Fellowship in Nairn, Scotland. Nairn is 17 miles east of Inverness - on the Moray Firth Coast - not far from the Loch Ness Monster!

Gifted as a Biblical teacher, Sandy is firmly committed to making sure that his teachings are firmly grounded in the Word.

Sandy has a weekly radio talk which can be heard via the Internet on Saturday at 11:40am, New Orleans time, at